ScoreboardProblem ID | Your Score | Title | Source | Problem Type |
deciphering_zane | N/A |
Dceiprhenig Zane | April Fools 2023 (Xiaoyang, leyi, ecxx, tux, Craftless, Gladius3482) | Batch |
portals | N/A |
portals | USACO 2021 US Open, Gold | Batch |
elca | N/A |
elca | Codeforces 482E | Batch |
foodchain | N/A |
Food Chain | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) | Batch |
cupboardjumps | N/A |
cupboardjumps | Codeforces 1500F | Batch |
orangecollector | N/A |
Orange Collector | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2019 (rs) | Batch |
strawberry | N/A |
Speedy Strawberries | 2020 CNY (shenxy13) | Batch |
explosion | N/A |
explosion | Classic Problem | Batch |
dquery | N/A |
dquery | Classic Problem | Batch |
prefixsums | N/A |
prefixsums | Classic Problem (YeoBL20) | Batch |
omnomnom2 | N/A |
omnomnom2 | Classic Problem | Batch |
numberfun | N/A |
numberfun | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
bottle | N/A |
Bottle | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
snakenladder | N/A |
snakenladder | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
christmasturkeyfarm | N/A |
Christmas Turkey Farming | Educational Round 2 (dillion) | Batch |
divisibility | N/A |
divisibility | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
aircon | N/A |
aircon | Codeforces Round #757 (Div. 2) | Batch |
jjooii2 | N/A |
jjooii2 | JOI 2020 Final Round | Batch |
scrivener | N/A |
Crayfish scrivener | IOI 2012 | Interactive |
singlefile | N/A |
singlefile | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
guanine | N/A |
guanine | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
collectingstamps3 | N/A |
collectingstamps3 | JOI 2020 Final Round | Batch |
removemq | N/A |
removemq | ARC 098E | Batch |
rabbitradar | N/A |
rabbitradar | Dunjudge Archive (bensonlzl) | Batch |
chemistry | N/A |
chemistry | April Fools Contest 2020 (0rang3) | Batch |
rebuild | N/A |
rebuild | RI-HCI-NUSH NOI Selection Test 2021 (shenxy13) | Interactive |
potionshard | N/A |
Potions (Hard Version) | Codeforces Round 723 (errorgorn, oolimry) | Batch |
mergers | N/A |
mergers | JOI | Batch |
conversations_easy | N/A |
Zookeeper's Conversations (Easy Version) | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2020 (shenxy13) | Batch |
arrayfind | N/A |
arrayfind | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
penguinislands | N/A |
penguinislands | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
monsters | N/A |
Monsters | Dec Course 2023 Selection Test (beepbeepsheep) | Batch |
islands2 | N/A |
Islands | IOI 2008 | Batch |
potatotree | N/A |
potatotree | RI Nov Sel 2020 (syy) | Batch |
lvm | N/A |
lvm | NOI 2008 | Batch |
prisoners | N/A |
prisoners | APIO 2014 Mock Contest | Communication |
stickytape | N/A |
Sticky Tape | Classic Problem | Batch |
sortingtrainers | N/A |
Sorting Trainers | Bologna IOI in Teams 2017 | Batch |
carpark | N/A |
carpark | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
vault | N/A |
vault | BOI 2022 | Batch |
berlandtaxi | N/A |
Berland.Taxi | NEERC 2017 Southern Subregional Contest | Batch |
rect | N/A |
Rectangle | IOI 2019 (Day 1) | Interactive |
hiddenarray | N/A |
Hidden Array | April Fools 2023 (ecxx) | Batch |
strangedevice | N/A |
Strange Device | APIO 2019 | Batch |
harmony | N/A |
harmony | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
filibuster | N/A |
Filibuster | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
killanton | N/A |
Kill Anton | Codeforces Round 723 (errorgorn) | Batch |
pythonindentation | N/A |
pythonindentation | Codeforces 909C | Batch |
promotion | N/A |
Promotion Counting | USACO 2017 Jan, Platinum | Batch |
edgeremove | N/A |
edgeremove | LOJ #3705 | Batch |
strangedevice2 | N/A |
strangedevice2 | Codeforces 1158E | Interactive |
findinggrass | N/A |
Finding Grass | Dec Course 2022 BAPS (hmm) | Batch |
tickets | N/A |
Carnival Tickets | IOI 2020 | Interactive |
gotoschool | N/A |
Go To School | ABC142 | Batch |
bingo | N/A |
Bingo | Grand Prix of Daejeon | Batch |
coincombinations | N/A |
coincombinations | Classic Problem | Batch |
newhome | N/A |
New Home | APIO 2018 | Batch |
flamethrower_ex | N/A |
flamethrower_ex | RI November Course 2023 Diagnostic Test (Potato3218) | Batch |
belittle | N/A |
belittle | ANDSS Welcome 2023 (Day 2) (shoryu386) | Batch |
fuel | N/A |
fuel | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
realfun | N/A |
Real Fun | CPSPC 2010 | Batch |
contestcalc | N/A |
contestcalc | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
doubletrip | N/A |
Double Trip | Codeforces 1343E | Batch |
boxhaskey | N/A |
Box Has Key | HCI-RI 2020 May Contest (bensonlzl) | Batch |
boundedpermutation | N/A |
Bounded Permutation | HCI-NUSH NOI Selection 2022 (maomao90) | Batch |
askonegetonefree | N/A |
AskOneGetOneFree | NOI 2015 | Interactive |
greeting | N/A |
CNY Greetings | 2020 CNY (errorgorn) | Batch |
mountainrange | N/A |
mountainrange | Codeforces 935F | Batch |
collectmushrooms5 | N/A |
collectmushrooms5 | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
hungryrabbits1 | N/A |
Hungry Rabbits 1 | RI-HCI Final Contest 2022 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
conductslip | N/A |
Conduct Slip | RI Novcourse Final Contest 2023 (RandomPerson, Tyx2019) | Batch |
hacking | N/A |
Hacking | Classic problem (fyss006) | Batch |
segmenttree2 | N/A |
Segment Tree 2 | Classic Problem | Batch |
girlfriend | N/A |
girlfriend | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
cashmoney | N/A |
Cash Money | 2020 CNY | Batch |
nuskevsphantom | N/A |
Nuske vs Phantom Thnook | AGC 015C | Batch |
dungeons | N/A |
Dungeons Game | IOI 2021 | Interactive |
shopping_joi | N/A |
shopping_joi | JOISC 2021 | Communication |
christmasfiboseq | N/A |
Chirstmas Fibonacci Sequence | Educational Round 2 (errorgorn) | Batch |
OrXor | N/A |
orxor | ABC 197C | Batch |
kronican | N/A |
kronican | COCI 2016/2017 | Batch |
flooding | N/A |
flooding | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
packingpests | N/A |
packingpests | Kattis | Batch |
socks | N/A |
socks | December Course 2018 Elementary Final Contest (Damian) | Batch |
rmaxq | N/A |
Range Max Query | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
illuminate | N/A |
Illuminate | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2020 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
dzumbus | N/A |
Džumbus | COCI 2019/2020 | Batch |
logs | N/A |
logs | AtCoder | Batch |
snakesnack | N/A |
snakesnack | Codeforces 1239E | Batch |
motivation | N/A |
Motivation is Dead | AOI 2023 Day 1 (shoryu386) | Batch |
arcwrecker2 | N/A |
arcwrecker2 | ARC119C | Batch |
rarkids | N/A |
rarkids | IOI Sparring 2018 SGP | Interactive |
cave | N/A |
cave | IOI 2013 | Interactive |
purplecandy | N/A |
Purple Candy | Classic Problem (shenxy13, ryangohca) | Batch |
mushrooms | N/A |
Counting Mushrooms | IOI 2020 (Day 2) | Interactive |
cheaters | N/A |
cheaters | Educational Round 3 (errorgorn) | Batch |
elephants | N/A |
Elephants | IOI 2011 | Interactive |
prefixsums2 | N/A |
Prefix Sums 2 | Educational Round 10 (Goodbye cstuart and kai824) (errorgorn) | Batch |
stones | N/A |
stones | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
merchant2 | N/A |
merchant2 | ABC 047D | Batch |
count1graphs | N/A |
Count 1 Graphs | Educational Round 4 (maomao90, errorgorn) | Batch |
jumping2 | N/A |
Jumping | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
bracketex | N/A |
bracketex | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
cross | N/A |
Cross | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
sumint | N/A |
Sum of Integers | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
magicstring | N/A |
magicstring | AOI 2023 Day 2 (shoryu386) | Batch |
exponentiate_ex | N/A |
exponentiate_ex | Classic Problem | Batch |
beautifulbrackets | N/A |
Beautiful Bracket Sequence | Codeforces 1264D1 | Batch |
cringemeter | N/A |
Cringe Meter | Codeforces 1844F | Batch |
pekora | N/A |
Pekora and Trampoline | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (oolimry) | Batch |
bracketsuperseq | N/A |
Shortest Bracket Supersequence | Codeforces 1272F | Batch |
luckynumbers2 | N/A |
luckynumbers2 | Dec Course Final Contest 2017 | Batch |
arraypartition | N/A |
arraypartition | Codeforces 487B | Batch |
overtaking | N/A |
Overtaking | IOI 2023 (Day 2) | Interactive |
youngmaids | N/A |
youngmaids | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
catnames | N/A |
catnames | RI/RJC NOI Selection Test 2016 | Batch |
radiance | N/A |
radiance | RSA Fun Contest (oolimry) | Batch |
sherlockinversions | N/A |
sherlockinversions | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
descsort | N/A |
descsort | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
flamethrower | N/A |
Flame Thrower | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
cokelesssugar | N/A |
Coke: Less Sugar | Codeforces 1415E (bensonlzl) | Batch |
snowball | N/A |
snowball | ANDSS Welcome 2023 (Day 1) (shoryu386) | Batch |
couples | N/A |
couples | December Course 2018 Advanced Final Contest | Batch |
harddisk | N/A |
harddisk | 2015 NOI Training Problem-Setter Contest | Batch |
tickethandling | N/A |
tickethandling | Dec Course 2023 Elementary Contest 4 (DS I) (shoryu386) | Batch |
squidzofrenzic | N/A |
squidzofrenzic | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
workoutplan | N/A |
Workout plan | Bubble Cup 12 Div 1 | Batch |
walking | N/A |
walking | NOI 2012 | Batch |
sortbooks | N/A |
sortbooks | IZhO 2019 | Batch |
combo | N/A |
Combo | IOI 2018 | Interactive |
bank | N/A |
Bank | IZhO 2014 Day 1 | Batch |
frog3 | N/A |
Frog 3 | Atcoder Educational DP Contest | Batch |
deathray | N/A |
deathray | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) (shenxy13) | Batch |
police | N/A |
Police Station | CPSPC 2017 | Batch |
aliens_ioi | N/A |
Aliens | IOI 2016 | Interactive |
1821 | N/A |
1821 | April Fools' 2021 (zaneyu) | Batch |
performance | N/A |
Performance | NUSH ISC 2020 (oolimry) | Batch |
sequence_loj | N/A |
sequence_loj | LOJ #3158 | Batch |
segmenttree | N/A |
Segment Tree | Classic problem | Batch |
qualitycontrol | N/A |
Quality Control | Educational Round 10 (Goodbye cstuart and kai824) (cstuart) | Batch |
speakers | N/A |
speakers | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
changingcolours | N/A |
changingcolours | RI Problem Setter Contest 2019 (rs) | Batch |
universe | N/A |
universe | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
4cuts | N/A |
4cuts | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
entropy2 | N/A |
entropy2 | RI December Course Selection Test 2021 (kym) | Batch |
catchingcheaters | N/A |
Catching Cheaters | Codeforces Round 683 (Div 1) | Batch |
birthday | N/A |
birthday | RI Problem Setter Contest 2019 (syy) | Batch |
delegation | N/A |
Delegation | USACO 2020 Feb, Gold | Batch |
car | N/A |
car | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
kickingshoes | N/A |
Kicking Shoes | Educational Round 4 (maomao90) | Batch |
hexagon | N/A |
Hexagonal Territory | APIO 2021 | Interactive |
hdb | N/A |
hdb | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
sale | N/A |
sale | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
greatmerge | N/A |
greatmerge | LOJ #2230 | Batch |
gfriendmania | N/A |
The 200000 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love Zane | CSES | Batch |
powersupply | N/A |
Power Supply | Educational Round 5 (cstuart) | Batch |
reciprocals | N/A |
Reciprocals | HCI December Course Selection 2021 (huangqr, pavement) | Batch |
doodles | N/A |
doodles | December Course 2019 Advanced Final Contest (rs) | Batch |
restoreroad | N/A |
Restore Road | ABC 074D | Batch |
stepgame | N/A |
stepgame | Classic Problem | Batch |
weightlifting | N/A |
weightlifting | Google Code Jam 2022 Round 1A | Batch |
neila | N/A |
neila | RMM 2013/5 | Batch |
subgraphs | N/A |
Subgraphs | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
library | N/A |
Library | JOI 2018/2019 Spring Camp Day 4 | Interactive |
robot | N/A |
Robots | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (oolimry) | Batch |
thanossort | N/A |
thanossort | RSA Fun Contest (errorgorn) | Interactive |
supplies | N/A |
supplies | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
installingapps | N/A |
Installing Apps | NWERC 2017 | Batch |
lightsout | N/A |
Light's Out | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
supermarkets | N/A |
Supermarkets | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
lps | N/A |
lps | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
harvest | N/A |
Harvest | JOI 2019/2020 | Batch |
funfair | N/A |
Funfair | Educational Round 5 (rs) | Batch |
bubblesort | N/A |
Bubble Sort | Educational Round 4 (jamessng, zaneyu, oolimry) | Batch |
registers | N/A |
Bit Shift Registers | IOI 2021 | Interactive |
harbingers | N/A |
harbingers | CEOI 2009 | Batch |
housing | N/A |
housing | NOI 2008 | Batch |
omnomnom | N/A |
omnomnom | Classic Problem | Batch |
pokemonmaster | N/A |
I want to be the very best too! | NOI 2017 | Batch |
trianglesum | N/A |
trianglesum | NOI 2010 Selection Test | Batch |
spiderclimb | N/A |
spiderclimb | LOJ #3661 | Batch |
wabot | N/A |
wabot | December Course 2019 Advanced Final Contest (bensonlzl) | Batch |
duathlon | N/A |
Duathlon | APIO 2018 | Batch |
amicablecats | N/A |
amicablecats | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
sorting | N/A |
Sorting | IOI 2015 | Interactive |
wombats | N/A |
wombats | IOI 2013 | Interactive |
fizzbuzz | N/A |
FizzBuzz | Classic Problem | Batch |
motest2 | N/A |
MOtest2 | April Fools 2023 (Tyx2019) | Batch |
zooqueue | N/A |
Zoo Queue | NUS December Training 2021 Diagnostic Test (shenxy13) | Batch |
rubies | N/A |
rubies | Dunjudge Archive (pwypeanut) | Batch |
iqtest2 | N/A |
iqtest2 | April Fools' 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
enumeratingbrackets | N/A |
Enumerating Brackets | Waterloo Programming Contest 2016-10-01 | Batch |
rockclimbing | N/A |
rockclimbing | NOI 2016 | Batch |
fever | N/A |
fever | JOISC 2021 | Batch |
trivialmaths | N/A |
trivialmaths | Valentines Contest 2021 (errorgorn) | Interactive |
summarizing2021 | N/A |
🗿🗿🗿 | Hello 2022 (errorgorn) | Interactive |
builderswand | N/A |
Builder’s Wand | HCI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Batch |
lemmas | N/A |
lemmas | Educational Round 1 (errorgorn) | Batch |
cursordistance | N/A |
cursordistance | Codeforces 1246F | Batch |
winetasting | N/A |
winetasting | LOJ #2133 | Batch |
triusis | N/A |
Rabbit Carrot | Lithuanian Olympiad in Informatics 2019 | Batch |
doll_noi | N/A |
doll_noi | NOI 2023 Qualification Contest (yanhao, oolimry) | Batch |
marathon_usaco | N/A |
Marathon | USACO 2014 Dec, Gold | Batch |
mining | N/A |
mining | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
football | N/A |
football | Anderson Fluff Contest (LCJLY) | Batch |
bridge_cerc | N/A |
Bridge | CERC 2018 | Batch |
build | N/A |
build | ABC 065D | Batch |
medianheap | N/A |
medianheap | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
localexpress | N/A |
localexpress | AtCoder Typical DP Contest | Batch |
veryeasyproblem | N/A |
veryeasyproblem | Anderson Fluff Contest (shoryu386) | Batch |
nian | N/A |
Nian | 2020 CNY (oolimry) | Batch |
monke | N/A |
Monke | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (errorgorn) | Batch |
lasers | N/A |
lasers | NOI 2019 | Batch |
christmaxtrees | N/A |
christmaxtrees | Codeforces 1283D | Batch |
spiderweb | N/A |
spiderweb | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
sightseeing2 | N/A |
sightseeing2 | RI NOI Selection Test 2015 | Batch |
badnim3 | N/A |
Bad Nim 3 (EE) | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (errorgorn) | Batch |
railwaytrip2 | N/A |
Railway Trip 2 | JOI 2022 Final Round | Batch |
boring | N/A |
boring | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
buildings | N/A |
Buildings | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
streetlamps_ex | N/A |
Street Lamps!! | APIO 2019 but with more pain | Batch |
special | N/A |
special | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
fenwicktree_easy | N/A |
fenwicktree_easy | RI November Course 2023 Diagnostic Test (Potato3218, nianhe) | Batch |
monochromecat | N/A |
monochromecat | ARC 097 | Batch |
weightedguess | N/A |
Weighted Guess | Educational Round 10 (Goodbye cstuart and kai824) (cstuart) | Interactive |
hungryrabbits2 | N/A |
Hungry Rabbits 2 | RI-HCI Final Contest 2022 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
selfstudy | N/A |
Self Study | JOI 2022 Final Round | Batch |
towns | N/A |
Towns | IOI 2015 | Interactive |
smurf | N/A |
smurf | RI Deccourse 2018 Selection Test (tch1001) | Batch |
tourists | N/A |
Tourists | EGOI 2022 Day 1 | Batch |
multiple | N/A |
multiple | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
flipthat | N/A |
Flip That | Codeforces 1630D | Batch |
messenger | N/A |
messenger | Dunjudge Archive | Communication |
bacteria | N/A |
bacteria | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
firefighting | N/A |
firefighting | NOI 2020 Qualification | Batch |
collectmushrooms | N/A |
collectmushrooms | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
train_ioi | N/A |
Toy Train | IOI 2017 | Interactive |
rabbitbridges | N/A |
Rabbit Bridges | Educational Round 5 (oolimry) | Batch |
removalcosts | N/A |
Removal Costs | Dec Course 2022 BAPS (maomao90) | Batch |
tokitsukazeandexplosion | N/A |
tokitsukazeandexplosion | Codeforces 1190E | Batch |
railway | N/A |
railway | CPSPC 2004 | Batch |
flowercards | N/A |
flowercards | LOJ #536 | Batch |
travelling | N/A |
travelling | ASEAN Sparring 2022 (kevinsogo) | Batch |
sterilizing | N/A |
sterilizing | JOI 2014/15 | Batch |
trianglecraft | N/A |
Trianglecraft | HCI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Batch |
rotarylock | N/A |
rotarylock | HCI NOI Selection Test 2015 | Batch |
brick | N/A |
brick | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
eexploration | N/A |
Elementary Exploration | Dec Course 2021 Elementary Final Contest (shenxy13) | Batch |
nostatement | N/A |
nostatement | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
computergame | N/A |
computergame | Codeforces 1067D | Batch |
slimes | N/A |
slimes | ABC 143C | Batch |
alienalien | N/A |
alienalien | AOI 2023 Day 1 (shoryu386) | Batch |
bigbinarytree | N/A |
Big Binary Tree | RI-HCI Final Contest 2022 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
lampposts | N/A |
lampposts | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
placingrouters | N/A |
Placing Routers | Codeforces 1764E | Batch |
seats | N/A |
Seats | IOI 2018 | Interactive |
mobitel | N/A |
Mobitel | COCI 2018/2019 | Batch |
sumalllis | N/A |
Sum All LIS | Luogu P4484 (modified) (zaneyu) | Batch |
markinghouses | N/A |
Marking Houses | RI-HCI Final Contest 2022 | Batch |
warp | N/A |
warp | HCI NOI Selection Retest 2020 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
bridge_apio15 | N/A |
Palembang Bridges | APIO 2015 | Batch |
arrangetoys | N/A |
Arranging Toy Displays | AGC 016D | Batch |
dinnerbox | N/A |
Jianzhi’s Dinner Box | RI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Batch |
monopoly | N/A |
monopoly | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
grazing | N/A |
grazing | USACO Bronze Jan 2012 | Batch |
lppufdsrb | N/A |
Lazy Propagation Persistent Union Find Disjoint Set with Rollbacks | Educational Round 4 (jamessng, errorgorn) | Batch |
acorns | N/A |
acorns | MCO 2016 | Batch |
tickets_loj | N/A |
tickets_loj | LOJ #2249 | Batch |
seagame | N/A |
seagame | ABC 218G | Batch |
superfanclub | N/A |
Estelle’s Super Fan Club | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2018 | Interactive |
ballgame | N/A |
ballgame | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
ktupleflip | N/A |
K-tuple Flip | TROC 24 (errorgorn) | Batch |
naptime | N/A |
naptime | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2020 (cstuart) | Batch |
islands | N/A |
Thousands Islands | IOI 2022 (Day 2) | Interactive |
subsetmex | N/A |
Subset Mex | EGOI 2022 Day 1 | Batch |
lopov | N/A |
lopov | COCI 2013/2014 | Batch |
housevisit | N/A |
housevisit | CNY Contest 2019 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
buyingcandy | N/A |
Buying Candy | ABC 308F | Batch |
baseplans_ex | N/A |
baseplans_ex | UWCOI 2020 (socho, astoria, kimbj0709) | Batch |
ducknuggetconvention | N/A |
Duck Nugget Convention | Valentines Contest 2021 (oolimry) | Batch |
0405 | N/A |
0405 | April Fools' 2021 (zaneyu) | Batch |
election_joi | N/A |
Election Campaign | JOI Open 2015 | Batch |
funnytree | N/A |
Funny Tree (Extreme Version) | RuCode 2020 Div A (Extreme Version) (0rang3, rs) | Batch |
melons_joig | N/A |
Melons | JOIG 2021/2022 | Batch |
hanabi | N/A |
hanabi | IOI Sparring 2018 SGP | Batch |
competitiveteams | N/A |
Competitive Teams | HackerRank | Batch |
nihonese | N/A |
nihonese | ISC 2020 practice (errorgorn) | Batch |
bore | N/A |
Boring | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
synergies | N/A |
Synergies | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
superpozicija | N/A |
superpozicija | COI 2022 | Batch |
rainbowfish | N/A |
Rainbow Fish | Mock APIO 2015 | Batch |
lineup2 | N/A |
Lineup | RI Problem Setter Contest 2019 (rs) | Batch |
thanossort_st4 | N/A |
thanossort_st4 | RSA Fun Contest (errorgorn) | Interactive |
dna | N/A |
DNA | APIO 2008 | Batch |
breakfast | N/A |
breakfast | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
delivery | N/A |
delivery | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
plants | N/A |
Comparing Plants | IOI 2020 | Interactive |
jumper | N/A |
Manhattan Jumper | HCI-NUSH NOI Selection 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
optmilk | N/A |
Optimal Milking | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
leave | N/A |
leave | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
zamjena | N/A |
zamjena | COCI 2018/2019 | Batch |
applefarm | N/A |
applefarm | NUSH ISC 2020 (oolimry) | Batch |
penghulu | N/A |
Penghulu | MCO 2016 | Batch |
1609 | N/A |
1609 | April Fools' 2021 (0rang3) | Batch |
learningtrack | N/A |
learningtrack | LOJ #2773 | Batch |
spy | N/A |
spy | 2013 IOI Japan National Team Selection Test Day 2 | Batch |
xmas | N/A |
xmas | NOI 2009 | Batch |
smallprimes | N/A |
Small Primes | Classic Problem | Batch |
buycomputer | N/A |
buycomputer | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) (errorgorn) | Batch |
rating | N/A |
Rating Changes | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) | Batch |
devour | N/A |
devour | HCI November Final Contest 2023 (penguin133) | Batch |
manymsts | N/A |
manymsts | LOJ #3635 | Batch |
ping | N/A |
ping | RI HCI NOI Selection 2019 Practice (bensonlzl) | Interactive |
gerrymandering | N/A |
Gerrymandering | Dec Course 2021 BAPS (beepbeepsheep) | Batch |
bombing | N/A |
bombing | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
mountainbridges | N/A |
mountainbridges | HCI November Final Contest 2023 (huangqr) | Batch |
segmenttree3 | N/A |
segmenttree3 | Dec Course 2021 Intermediate Contest 4 (Data Structures III) (errorgorn, oolimry) | Batch |
problematicjourney | N/A |
Problematic Journey | Classic Problem | Batch |
fruits | N/A |
fruits | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
island_boi | N/A |
island | BOI 2022 | Batch |
usefft4 | N/A |
Use FFT 4 | Valentine's Day Contest 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
wires | N/A |
Wires | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2019 (bensonlzl) | Interactive |
compact | N/A |
compact | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
reverseandmin | N/A |
reverseandmin | ARC142A | Batch |
climatechange | N/A |
climatechange | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
7up | N/A |
7up | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2019 | Batch |
smurfpaths | N/A |
smurfpaths | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2020 (rs) | Batch |
cards | N/A |
cards | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
magiccarps | N/A |
magiccarps | ANDSS Contest 2 (Greedy and Bruteforce) (shoryu386) | Batch |
papaya | N/A |
papaya | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
ippt | N/A |
IPPT | Dec Course 2023 Selection Test (errorgorn) | Batch |
heatwv | N/A |
Heat Wave | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
general | N/A |
general | Classic Problem | Batch |
village | N/A |
village | BOI 2020 | Batch |
newjeans | N/A |
Bob's New Jeans | Codeforces 868F | Batch |
wabbitosu | N/A |
Wabbit osu!taiko | HCI December Course Selection 2021 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
spellofweakness | N/A |
Spell Of Weakness | Dunjudge Archive (dantoh) | Batch |
lost | N/A |
Jianzhi’s Lost | RI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Interactive |
rabbitpainting | N/A |
rabbitpainting | Dunjudge Archive (bensonlzl) | Batch |
digits | N/A |
digits | Deccourse 2021 DS II Contest (errorgorn) | Batch |
lol | N/A |
lol | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
lengthsort | N/A |
lengthsort | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
qualityinspections | N/A |
qualityinspections | ANDSS Coding Head Sel 2023 Duel (penguin133, shoryu386) | Batch |
cookieclickeralpha | N/A |
cookieclickeralpha | Google Code Jam 2014 | Batch |
primesort | N/A |
Prime Sort | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
cowland | N/A |
Cow Land | USACO 2019 February Contest, Gold | Batch |
usefft2 | N/A |
Use FFT 2 | Valentine's Day Contest 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
competition | N/A |
competition | NOI 2021 Qualification | Batch |
peakfinding | N/A |
Peak Finding | UWCOI 2020 (socho, astoria, kimbj0709) | Batch |
cakeslicing | N/A |
cakeslicing | LOJ #6744 | Batch |
treasures | N/A |
Stolen Treasures | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
SameMapInTheRpgWorld | N/A |
samemap | ABC 300B | Batch |
parade | N/A |
parade | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
ants | N/A |
ants | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
assignpaths | N/A |
assignpaths | USACO 2020 February Contest, Platinum | Batch |
arrayproblem | N/A |
arrayproblem | Codeforces | Batch |
countalp | N/A |
countalp | Classic Problem | Batch |
events | N/A |
events | BOI 2022 | Batch |
gecko | N/A |
gecko | NOI 2008 | Batch |
magick | N/A |
Magick | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2019 | Communication |
candies_joi | N/A |
candies_joi | JOI 2017/2018 Spring Camp | Batch |
change | N/A |
change | NOI 2011 | Batch |
persistentlists | N/A |
Persistent Lists | Educational Round 6 (oolimry) | Batch |
hedgehogcrimes_easy | N/A |
Hedgehog Crimes (Easy Version) | Classic Problem | Batch |
countedges | N/A |
Counting Edges | USACO 2021 February Contest, Platinum | Batch |
chefmala | N/A |
chefmala | CodeChef February Lunchtime 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
pastiri | N/A |
pastiri | COI 2019/2020 | Batch |
supermarket | N/A |
supermarket | RI Dec Course Sel 2017 | Batch |
scalars | N/A |
scalars | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
mooshroomfarm | N/A |
Mooshroom Farm | HCI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Batch |
fertile | N/A |
fertile | RI-HCI-NUSH NOI Selection Test 2021 (errorgorn) | Batch |
redstonelamps | N/A |
Redstone Lamps | HCI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Batch |
journey3 | N/A |
Journey | NOI 2018 | Batch |
mathtest | N/A |
mathtest | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
modules | N/A |
modules | NUSH NOI Selection Test 2018 | Batch |
noodlestore | N/A |
noodlestore | HCI EC³ Beginner Contest (WH8) | Batch |
badchef | N/A |
Bad Chef | NUS CS3233 2020 (Kattis) | Batch |
styles | N/A |
Styles | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
party | N/A |
party | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
roads | N/A |
Road Closures | APIO 2021 | Interactive |
bananadance | N/A |
bananadance | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
suffixarray | N/A |
Oolimry and Suffix Array | Codeforces Round 723 (zaneyu) | Batch |
iqtest | N/A |
iqtest | Valentine's Day Contest 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
minimetro | N/A |
Minimetro | HCI December Course Selection 2021 (huangqr) | Batch |
taxes | N/A |
taxes | December Course 2018 Advanced Final Contest, ROI 2018 Day 1 | Batch |
flowering | N/A |
flowering | COCI 2008/2009 | Batch |
trivialexam_ex | N/A |
trivialexam_ex | April Fools 2023 (Xiaoyang) | Batch |
squaregraph | N/A |
Square Graph | AGC 011C | Batch |
bosubaiko | N/A |
Bosu Baiko | Educational Round 6 (errorgorn) | Batch |
splithunny | N/A |
splithunny | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
mercurypoisoning | N/A |
Mercury Poisoning | UWCOI 2020 (socho, astoria, kimbj0709) | Batch |
bunchlocks | N/A |
bunchlocks | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
pancake | N/A |
pancake | NOI 2012 | Batch |
wallisstop | N/A |
Wall Is Stop | Dunjudge Archive (bensonlzl) | Batch |
treepainting | N/A |
treepainting | LOJ #2001 | Batch |
toxicwaste | N/A |
Toxic Waste | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
socialdistance | N/A |
Social Distance | Codeforces 1381D | Batch |
beareatrabbit | N/A |
Bear Eat Rabbit | Classic Problem | Batch |
guessproblem3 | N/A |
Guess Problem 3 | April Fools 2023 (ecxx) | Batch |
obstacletree | N/A |
obstacletree | Codeforces 1528A | Batch |
uniquenumbers | N/A |
uniquenumbers | Classic Problem | Batch |
evenorodd | N/A |
evenorodd | Classic Problem | Batch |
gotoubun | N/A |
gotoubun | folklore (errorgorn) | Batch |
lboard | N/A |
L-Board | NOI 2022 Qualification | Batch |
switches | N/A |
switches | Educational Round 7 (myrcella, errorgorn) | Batch |
potionseasy | N/A |
Potions (Easy Version) | Codeforces Round 723 (errorgorn, oolimry) | Batch |
shortest | N/A |
shortest | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
mars | N/A |
Mars | APIO 2022 | Interactive |
consistency | N/A |
Consistency | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2019 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
royalguards | N/A |
royalguards | AMOS OI 2022 (buffed) (shoryu386) | Batch |
sculptures_apio15 | N/A |
Bali Sculptures | APIO 2015 | Batch |
pandacity | N/A |
pandacity | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
swayingflowers | N/A |
swayingflowers | ANDSS Welcome 2023 (Day 1) (shoryu386) | Batch |
firstabc | N/A |
firstabc | ABC 311A | Batch |
doll | N/A |
Mechanical Doll | IOI 2018 | Interactive |
diesel | N/A |
diesel | NOI 2013 | Batch |
messy | N/A |
Unscrambling a Messy Bug | IOI 2016 | Interactive |
tents | N/A |
Tents | JOI 2017/2018 Spring Camp | Batch |
canbashsavetheday | N/A |
canbashsavetheday | Codeforces 757G | Batch |
firelord | N/A |
firelord | RI Nov Sel 2020 (jiahng) | Batch |
multipaths | N/A |
Multiple Paths | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
routine | N/A |
Routine Cat | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2022 (wangy412) | Batch |
virus | N/A |
virus | JOISC 2017, Day 1 | Batch |
dogmonkey | N/A |
dogmonkey | ABC 065C | Batch |
fabric | N/A |
fabric | NOI 2016 | Batch |
linearbasis | N/A |
linearbasis | Hello 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
chope | N/A |
Chope | ARC 152A | Batch |
sarenlist | N/A |
sarenlist | COCI 2021/2022 | Batch |
teams | N/A |
Teams | IOI 2015 | Interactive |
cardgame | N/A |
cardgame | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
lualectures | N/A |
Lua Lectures | Classic Problem | Batch |
samelength | N/A |
Same Length | Hello 2021 (errorgorn) | Batch |
deciphering_zane_ex | N/A |
Decusohrting Znakeje: extendied c34s8hb | April Fools 2023 (ecxx, Xiaoyang, leyi) | Interactive |
switches998244353 | N/A |
switches998244353 (EE) | Educational Round 7 (errorgorn) | Batch |
pandanumbers | N/A |
Numbers | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
rmq | N/A |
rmq | NOI 2017 | Batch |
cudak | N/A |
cudak | COCI 2007/2008 | Batch |
candies | N/A |
candies | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
addsubtract | N/A |
addsubtract | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
primepie | N/A |
primepie | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
bossbattle | N/A |
Boss Battle | Classic Problem in China | Batch |
forkintheroad | N/A |
forkintheroad | AtCoder | Batch |
tournament | N/A |
tournament | IOI 2012 | Interactive |
network | N/A |
network | NOI 2023 Qualification Contest (errorgorn) | Batch |
doors | N/A |
Doors | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
vouchers | N/A |
vouchers | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
lemonadestand | N/A |
lemonadestand | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
binaryspells | N/A |
binaryspells | ANDSS Contest 2 (Greedy and Bruteforce) (shoryu386) | Batch |
carrots | N/A |
carrots | Codeforces Raif Round 1 (errorgorn) | Batch |
kronecker | N/A |
kronecker | Valentine's Day Contest 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
routes | N/A |
routes | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
cycling | N/A |
cycling | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
baseplans | N/A |
Base Plans | UWCOI 2020 (socho, astoria, kimbj0709) | Batch |
sillysort | N/A |
sillysort | info(1) cup 2019 (modified) (errorgorn) | Batch |
holeetree | N/A |
\( H^{o^{L^{e^e_e}_{e^e_e}}_{L^{e^e_e}_{ e^e_e}}}_{o^{L^{e^e_e}_{ e^e_e}}_{L^{e^e_e}_{e^e_e}}} \) 🎄 | Hello 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
rblock | N/A |
rblock | USACO 2011 December Contest, Silver Division | Batch |
growingtrees | N/A |
growingtrees | BOI 2011 | Batch |
travel | N/A |
Travel | CCO 2015 | Batch |
puttingstrings | N/A |
puttingstrings | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2020 (rs) | Batch |
addition | N/A |
Addition of 2 numbers | Classic problem | Batch |
frogs | N/A |
Frogs | Winter Computer School 2010/11 Team Contest #1 | Batch |
railroad | N/A |
Roller Coaster Railroad | IOI 2016 | Interactive |
mathtree | N/A |
Math Tree | SGP Sparring 2021 (lovemathboy) | Batch |
luckynumbers | N/A |
Lucky Numbers | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (oolimry) | Batch |
tourist | N/A |
tourist | IOI 2012 Practice Tasks | Batch |
boxes | N/A |
Boxes with souvenirs | IOI 2015 | Interactive |
chinese | N/A |
chinese | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
dungeons2 | N/A |
dungeons2 | AGM 2021, Final Round, Day 2 | Batch |
pawns | N/A |
e4e5 Ke2? Ke7? | TROC 24 (maomao90, errorgorn) | Batch |
wallabyhop | N/A |
Wallaby Hop | RI December Course Selection Test 2021 (jiahng) | Batch |
closingshop | N/A |
Closing Shop | Codeforces 721C | Batch |
convention | N/A |
convention | USACO 2018 December Silver | Batch |
onlineexam | N/A |
Online Exam | April Fools 2023 (zengminghao) | Interactive |
superpiece | N/A |
Superpiece | EGOI 2022 Day 2 | Batch |
paintbyrectangles | N/A |
paintbyrectangles | USACO 2022 Feb, Platinum | Batch |
sequence_apio | N/A |
Split the sequence | APIO 2014 | Batch |
goodsubsegments | N/A |
goodsubsegments | Codeforces Round #493 (Div. 1) | Batch |
solarstorm | N/A |
Solar Storm | NOI 2020 Prelims | Batch |
findandprevent | N/A |
Find and Prevent | Tuymaada 2021 | Batch |
twomeals | N/A |
twomeals | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
smallprimes_ex | N/A |
Small Primes? | Classic Problem? | Batch |
splittingtree | N/A |
Splitting Tree | LOJ P3213 | Batch |
pavement | N/A |
Painting Pavements | HCI December Course Selection 2021 (pavement) | Batch |
qualitytime | N/A |
Quality Time | Codeforces 922E | Batch |
lcs | N/A |
lcs | Classic problem | Batch |
thesis | N/A |
thesis | LOJ #511 | Batch |
unmerge | N/A |
Unmerge | Codeforces 1381B | Batch |
ballsofbuma | N/A |
Balls of Buma | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
pairsums | N/A |
Button Pairs | UWCOI 2020 (socho, astoria, kimbj0709) | Batch |
ninjashard | N/A |
Ninjas (Hard) | TROC 24 (oolimry, errorgorn) | Batch |
orlando | N/A |
orlando | RI Problem Setter Contest 2019 (zhuan, 0rang3) | Batch |
stagegames_part1 | N/A |
Estelle’s Stage Games (Subtasks 1 - 5) | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2018 | Interactive |
candles | N/A |
candles | ABC 107C | Batch |
alien10 | N/A |
alien10 | uwu (errorgorn) | Batch |
addk | N/A |
addk | EJOI 2021 | Batch |
reopening | N/A |
Reopening Shop | Dec Course 2022 BAPS (errorgorn, Halogen) | Batch |
flood | N/A |
Flood | POI 2018 Round 1 Q3 | Batch |
generosity | N/A |
Generosity | April Fools' 2022 (oolimry) | Batch |
paleta | N/A |
paleta | COCI 2013/2014 | Batch |
badnim | N/A |
badnim | Educational Round 7 (errorgorn) | Batch |
merchant_o | N/A |
Merchant Otter | Dec Course 2020 BAPS (myrcella) | Batch |
knapsack2 | N/A |
knapsack2 | David Pisinger (1995) | Batch |
kucice | N/A |
kucice | COCI 2021/2022 | Batch |
boxoffice | N/A |
Box Office | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
sumo | N/A |
sumo | COCI 2013/2014 | Batch |
primefactorization | N/A |
primefactorization | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
rabbittolls | N/A |
rabbittolls | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
queuestack | N/A |
Queuestack | Educational Round 10 (Goodbye cstuart and kai824) (lida, oolimry, cstuart) | Batch |
payraise | N/A |
payraise | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
lambsrespite | N/A |
Lamb's Respite | XXII Open Cup. Grand Prix of Korea | Batch |
lunchtime | N/A |
Lunchtime | ARC 162A | Batch |
moosic | N/A |
moosic | Codeforces Round #386 | Batch |
deliveroo | N/A |
Deliveroo | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2021 (Deadeye) | Batch |
pancake_ex | N/A |
Pancake (Extreme) | Classic Problem | Batch |
guessproblem2 | N/A |
Guess Problem 2 | April Fools 2023 (ryangohca) | Batch |
appeal | N/A |
appeal | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
hyperoperations | N/A |
hyperoperations | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
spiraldance | N/A |
Estelle’s Spiral Dance | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2018 | Batch |
rabbitbars | N/A |
rabbitbars | Dunjudge Archive (bensonlzl) | Batch |
dragonfly | N/A |
dragonfly | NOI 2022 Qualification (bensonlzl) | Batch |
inversemax | N/A |
inversemax | Educational Round 3 (errorgorn) | Batch |
duckwar | N/A |
duckwar | Anderson Fluff Contest (shoryu386) | Batch |
reachability | N/A |
reachability | Classic Problem | Batch |
lcm | N/A |
lcm | Classic Problem | Batch |
goinghome_agc | N/A |
goinghome_agc | AGC 023 | Batch |
sawmills | N/A |
Two Sawmills | CEOI 2004 | Batch |
badnim2 | N/A |
Bad Nim 2 (EE) | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (errorgorn) | Batch |
joke | N/A |
Joke | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) | Batch |
numbers | N/A |
Palindrome-Free Numbers | BOI 2013 | Batch |
relaymarathon | N/A |
relaymarathon | NOI 2020 Qualification | Batch |
movingboxes | N/A |
movingboxes | Codeforces 1030F | Batch |
avoidcollision | N/A |
avoidcollision | ARC 090C | Batch |
cups | N/A |
cups | Deccourse 2021 DS II Contest (errorgorn) | Batch |
treecutting | N/A |
Tree Cutting | NOI 2022 Qualification | Batch |
coinjourney | N/A |
Coin Journey | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2021 (kym) | Batch |
duckduckgo | N/A |
duckduckgo | Codeforces 1091F | Batch |
selfdefence | N/A |
Self Defence | TOKI KSN Day 1 | Batch |
cheerleaders | N/A |
cheerleaders | Atcoder Educational DP Contest | Batch |
robot2 | N/A |
robot2 | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
urbanplanning | N/A |
urbanplanning | IZhO 2022 | Batch |
prize | N/A |
The Big Prize | IOI 2017 | Interactive |
sardines | N/A |
sardines | RI NOI Selection Test 2014 | Batch |
treeinteger | N/A |
treeinteger | ARC 063E | Batch |
oenothera | N/A |
oenothera | Codeforces 1039E | Batch |
sjeckanje | N/A |
sjeckanje | COCI 2020/2021 | Batch |
souvenirs2 | N/A |
souvenirs2 | ARC 068C | Batch |
diamond | N/A |
diamond | Classic Problem | Batch |
industriouslibrarian | N/A |
industriouslibrarian | LOJ #2639 | Batch |
jumps | N/A |
Rainforest Jumps | APIO 2021 (bensonlzl) | Interactive |
greenbeans | N/A |
Green Beans Mayhem | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2021 (ryangohca, kym) | Batch |
hotspot | N/A |
hotspot | NOI 2017 | Batch |
history | N/A |
history | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
smurfberries | N/A |
smurfberries | All-Ukrainian School Olympiad in Informatics 2011 | Batch |
lightsflip | N/A |
lightsflip | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
01knapsack | N/A |
0-1 Knapsack | Classic problem (Atcoder Educational DP Contest) | Batch |
catgameshow | N/A |
catgameshow | RI/RJC NOI Selection Test 2016 | Batch |
duckwander | N/A |
duckwander | ANDSS Contest 1 (Syntax) (shoryu386) | Batch |
doubletrouble | N/A |
Double Trouble | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) (oolimry) | Batch |
buycoke | N/A |
Buying Coke | Kattis | Batch |
prime | N/A |
Prime Numbers | Classic Problem | Batch |
preciseforecast | N/A |
preciseforecast | LOJ #3101 | Batch |
hackthectf | N/A |
hackthectf | HCI EC³ Beginner Contest (blackscreen1, shoryu386) | Batch |
summit | N/A |
summit | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
shopping | N/A |
Shopping | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
sudoku | N/A |
sudoku | NOI 2015 | Batch |
guessproblem4 | N/A |
Guess Problem 4 | April Fools 2023 (ryangohca, ecxx) | Interactive |
garden | N/A |
Garden Cat | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2022 (tux, ryangohca) | Batch |
departure | N/A |
departure | NOI 2021 Qualification | Batch |
outing | N/A |
Outing | Educational Round 10 (Goodbye cstuart and kai824) (kai824) | Batch |
historical | N/A |
Historical | JOI 2013/2014 | Batch |
stonk | N/A |
Stonks | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) (shenxy13) | Batch |
mugger | N/A |
mugger | RI Problem Setter Contest 2019 (ngmh) | Batch |
goodgame | N/A |
goodgame | ARC 072D | Batch |
threetwentyoneam | N/A |
threetwentyoneam | AOI 2023 Day 1 (shoryu386) | Batch |
neckties | N/A |
Just Long Neckties | JOI 2020 Final Round | Batch |
learningtrack2 | N/A |
learningtrack2 | LOJ #3068 | Batch |
snowcow | N/A |
Snowcow | USACO 2019 December Contest Platinum | Batch |
sightseeing | N/A |
sightseeing | NOI 2014 | Batch |
biscuits | N/A |
Packing Biscuits | IOI 2020 (Day 2) | Interactive |
gridgame | N/A |
gridgame | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
bosses | N/A |
bosses | BOI 2016 | Batch |
hunterxhunter | N/A |
hunterxhunter | International Autumn Tournament in Informatics 2020 | Batch |
dateornot | N/A |
Date Or Not? | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
bichrome | N/A |
bichrome | Atcoder | Batch |
watchmen | N/A |
watchmen | BOI 2021 | Batch |
deforestation | N/A |
deforestation | HCI November Final Contest 2023 (TheRaptor) | Batch |
coolslogans | N/A |
coolslogans | LOJ #6288 | Batch |
rarwall | N/A |
rarwall | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
poklon | N/A |
poklon | COCI 2016/2017 | Batch |
fenwicktree | N/A |
fenwicktree | Classic Problem | Batch |
fencing2 | N/A |
fencing2 | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2020 (errorgorn) | Batch |
commando | N/A |
commando | APIO 2010 | Batch |
switchandflip | N/A |
Switch and Flip | Codeforces Global Round 13 (errorgorn, oolimry) | Batch |
nextprime | N/A |
nextprime | NASS CP Club Training Contest 1 | Batch |
present | N/A |
present | RMI 2021 | Batch |
cattown | N/A |
Cat Town | RI/RJC NOI Selection Test 2016 | Batch |
fencing3 | N/A |
fencing3 | Educational Round 3 (errorgorn, tqbfjotld) | Batch |
banks | N/A |
Banks | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
orchard | N/A |
orchard | NOI 2014 | Batch |
swords | N/A |
swords | NOI 2023 Qualification Contest (yanhao) | Batch |
lineup | N/A |
lineup | USACO Silver Nov 2011 | Batch |
masquerade | N/A |
masquerade | BZOJ 1064 | Batch |
trains_mco | N/A |
trains_mco | MCO 2015 | Batch |
redistributinggifts | N/A |
redistributinggifts | USACO 2022 Feb Gold | Batch |
notebook | N/A |
notebook | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
scales | N/A |
Scales | IOI 2015 | Interactive |
brackets | N/A |
Bracket Subsequence | Classic Problem (zengminghao) | Batch |
valves | N/A |
Valves | Dec Course 2022 BAPS (beepbeepsheep) | Batch |
eeducation | N/A |
Elementary Education | Dec Course 2021 Elementary Final Contest (shenxy13) | Batch |
sequence_apio23 | N/A |
Sequence | APIO 2023 | Interactive |
clique | N/A |
clique | Algorithm Class Mini-Contest 8 | Batch |
boxes_hkicpc | N/A |
Boxes | 2016 ACM ICPC Asia Hong Kong Regional | Batch |
edgeflip | N/A |
Edge Flipping | Educational Round 4 (jamessng) | Batch |
bananafever | N/A |
bananafever | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
paint | N/A |
paint | NOI 2011 | Batch |
wall | N/A |
wall | IOI 2014 | Interactive |
exam | N/A |
Exam | RI Nov Sel 2020 (syy) | Batch |
rabbitmeeting | N/A |
RabbitMeeting | December Course 2018 Advanced Final Contest | Batch |
spaceinvaders | N/A |
spaceinvaders | Educational Round 1 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
leastround | N/A |
leastround | Codeforces 2B | Batch |
lis_easy | N/A |
lis_easy | Classic problem | Batch |
armpit | N/A |
armpit | RI-HCI-NUSH NOI Selection Test 2021 (errorgorn) | Batch |
chickensoup | N/A |
chickensoup | ABC 256F | Batch |
mirrortree | N/A |
mirrortree | BOI 2011, Day 2 | Batch |
xorsplit | N/A |
xorsplit | Valentine's Day Contest 2023 (blackscreen1, pavement, maomao90, zaneyu) | Batch |
missingnumber | N/A |
Missing Number | CSES | Batch |
stackweights | N/A |
stackweights | CSES Problem Set | Batch |
grid | N/A |
Grid | Atcoder Educational DP Contest | Batch |
segmentoperations | N/A |
Segment Operations | Codeforces 1743F | Batch |
flappyrabbit | N/A |
Flappy Rabbit | HCI-NUSH NOI Selection 2022 (pavement) | Interactive |
modulochain | N/A |
modulochain | Anderson Trg (shoryu386) | Batch |
hellokitty | N/A |
hellokitty | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
knightmoves | N/A |
knightmoves | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
humantrafficking | N/A |
Human Trafficking | Italian Informatics Olympiad | Batch |
xortree | N/A |
xortree | Classic Problem (errorgorn) | Batch |
burgers | N/A |
burgers | NOI 2023 Qualification Contest (oolimry, bensonlzl, yanhao) | Batch |
basketball | N/A |
basketball | NUSH ISC 2020 (dantoh) | Batch |
UCFJ | N/A |
UCFJ | USACO 2021 US Open, Platinum | Batch |
lowelements | N/A |
lowelements | ABC 152C | Batch |
paint_ioi | N/A |
Paint By Numbers | IOI 2016 | Interactive |
collectmushrooms4 | N/A |
collectmushrooms4 | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
schedule | N/A |
schedule | HCI NOI Selection Test 2014 | Batch |
oranges2 | N/A |
oranges2 | RI Deccourse 2018 Selection Test (0rang3) | Batch |
workload_ex | N/A |
workload_ex | Classic Problem in China (Probably) (errorgorn) | Batch |
skyline | N/A |
skyline | HCI NOI Selection Retest 2020 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
ratar | N/A |
ratar | COCI 2013/2014 | Batch |
1503 | N/A |
1503 | April Fools' 2021 (jamielim) | Batch |
digitsum | N/A |
digitsum | UOJ Easy Round #4 | Batch |
chunlian | N/A |
chunlian | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
homeworkextension | N/A |
homeworkextension | ANDSS Contest 1 (Syntax) (Josh28) | Batch |
findinggrass_ex | N/A |
Helping an ex-cs student touch grass while blindfolded with my insane programming skills in another world | April Fools 2023 (siewjh) | Batch |
iqtest3 | N/A |
iqtest3 | AGC 50A | Batch |
exhibition | N/A |
Exhibition | JOI 2018/2019 Final Round | Batch |
727 | N/A |
727 | HCI-NUSH NOI Selection 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
ljll | N/A |
LJLL | NUSH ISC 2020 (errorgorn) | Batch |
killanton_ex | N/A |
killanton_ex | Valentine's Day Contest 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
newlottery | N/A |
New Lottery | Google Code Jam 2014 | Batch |
fire | N/A |
fire | JOI 2020 Final Round | Batch |
bombing2 | N/A |
bombing2 | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
ballot | N/A |
ballot | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
tomskitchen | N/A |
Tom’s Kitchen | BOI 2019 Day 2 | Batch |
sandcastle2 | N/A |
Sandcastle 2 | JOI 2022 Final Round | Batch |
gate | N/A |
gate | LOJ #2474 | Batch |
fruitsequences | N/A |
Fruit Sequences | Codeforces Raif Round 1 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
thunderstorm | N/A |
Thunderstorm | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) | Batch |
convexhull | N/A |
Convex Hull | Classic Problem (ryangohca) | Batch |
divsum | N/A |
Divisor Sum | Educational Round 1 (errorgorn) | Batch |
fibo | N/A |
Fibonacci | Classic Problem | Batch |
nevergiveup | N/A |
Never Give Up | April Fools 2023 (bron, penguin133) | Batch |
happyarrays | N/A |
Happy Arrays | Classic Problem (penguin133) | Batch |
mandarins | N/A |
Mandarins | 2020 CNY | Batch |
snapknack | N/A |
snapknack | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
messages | N/A |
Messages | Valentine's Day Contest 2023 (beepbeepsheep) | Communication |
intercastellar | N/A |
Intercastellar | JOI 2022 Final Round | Batch |
management | N/A |
Management | ABC163C | Batch |
duckwalk | N/A |
duckwalk | Codeforces 76F | Batch |
wiring | N/A |
Fix Wiring | Polish Collegiate Programming Contest 2021 | Batch |
hamster1 | N/A |
Hamster's Journey | Atcoder Educational DP Contest | Batch |
magicwand | N/A |
magicwand | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
rectangleoutline | N/A |
Rectangle Outline | USACO 2016 January Contest, Platinum | Batch |
rookable | N/A |
Rookable | NUSH NOI Selection Test 2018 | Batch |
justright | N/A |
justright | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
sunshine | N/A |
Sunshine | RI Novcourse Final Contest 2023 (zixuan, ryangohca) | Batch |
mememagic | N/A |
mememagic | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
christmastree | N/A |
Christmas Tree | Educational Round 2 (errorgorn, oolimry) | Batch |
boomerangs | N/A |
Bouncing Boomerangs | Codeforces Raif Round 1 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
ladybugs | N/A |
ladybugs | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
math | N/A |
Primes Up | April Fools Contest 2020 (shenxy13) | Batch |
boat | N/A |
Boat | APIO 2016 | Batch |
animaleditor | N/A |
animaleditor | MCO | Batch |
specialmultiset | N/A |
specialmultiset | Codeforces 981G | Batch |
friendcross | N/A |
friendcross | USACO 2017 Feb Plat | Batch |
toy | N/A |
toy | ROI 2014 | Batch |
lostarray | N/A |
Lost Array | NOI 2019 Prelims | Batch |
friendlyrooks | N/A |
Friendly Rooks | 2022 December Course Diagnostic Test (errorgorn) | Batch |
quillvsowl | N/A |
Quill Vs Owl | Dec Course 2020 BAPS (jamielim) | Batch |
snukethewizard | N/A |
snukethewizard | AtCoder | Batch |
guessarray | N/A |
4sadfaces Guessing an Array | Dec Course 2020 BAPS (zaneyu) | Interactive |
cellulardata | N/A |
Cellular Data | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
steeple | N/A |
Cow Steeplechase | USACO 2011 Nov, Gold | Batch |
catteams | N/A |
catteams | RI/RJC NOI Selection Test 2016 | Batch |
wiring_ioi | N/A |
Wiring | IOI 2017 | Interactive |
3nplus1 | N/A |
3nplus1 | Classic Problem | Batch |
lunchcombo | N/A |
lunchcombo | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2019 | Batch |
figures | N/A |
Figures | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
rightangtri | N/A |
rightangtri | Classic Problem | Batch |
constellation2 | N/A |
constellation2 | JOISC 2014 | Batch |
rainbowrabbit | N/A |
rainbowrabbit | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2019 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
potatosalad | N/A |
potatosalad | Classic Problem | Batch |
collectmushrooms3 | N/A |
collectmushrooms3 | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
firecracker | N/A |
firecracker | CNY Contest 2019 | Batch |
rooms | N/A |
rooms | RI Mock NOI 2015 | Batch |
rabbitgifts | N/A |
rabbitgifts | December Course 2018 Advanced Final Contest | Batch |
bitaro | N/A |
Bitaro's Party | JOI 2017/2018 Spring Camp | Batch |
ancestor | N/A |
ancestor | Classic problem | Batch |
rabbitplane | N/A |
rabbitplane | RI Problem Setter Contest 2019 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
sherlockgraph | N/A |
sherlockgraph | HackerRank | Batch |
springtrap | N/A |
springtrap | Educational Round 1 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
more_lca2 | N/A |
More LCA 2 | Educational Round 10 (Goodbye cstuart and kai824) (cstuart) | Interactive |
mincross_usaco | N/A |
mincross_usaco | USACO 2017 Feb, Platinum | Batch |
trains | N/A |
trains | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
milkweed | N/A |
milkweed | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
rarsum | N/A |
rarsum | Raffles Cat Helping Contest 2013 | Batch |
xorb | N/A |
xorb | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
soccer | N/A |
Soccer Stadium | IOI 2023 (Day 1) | Interactive |
losingsleep | N/A |
losingsleep | ARC 119A | Batch |
toblerone | N/A |
toblerone | HCI Mock NOI 2015 | Batch |
index | N/A |
index | COCI 2020/2021 Contest 6 | Batch |
split2 | N/A |
Split | December Course 2018 Elementary Final Contest | Batch |
koala | N/A |
Koala Game | APIO 2017 | Interactive |
cardgame2 | N/A |
cardgame2 | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
pigeonhole | N/A |
pigeonhole | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
flipcards | N/A |
Cards | Ucup Stage 8 M (modified) | Batch |
factories | N/A |
factories | JOI 2014 Open | Interactive |
catlunch | N/A |
catlunch | RI/RJC NOI Selection Test 2016 | Batch |
fliprect | N/A |
fliprect | ARC 081F | Batch |
umbrella | N/A |
umbrella | USACO Silver Dec 2011 | Batch |
bodyguard | N/A |
bodyguard | JOISC 2021 | Batch |
hacker | N/A |
hacker | BOI 2015 | Batch |
simcity | N/A |
simcity | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
razlika | N/A |
razlika | COCI 2013 | Batch |
erp | N/A |
erp | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
colour | N/A |
colour | December Course 2018 Elementary Final Contest | Batch |
visitingsingapore | N/A |
Visiting Singapore | NOI 2020 Prelims | Batch |
runway | N/A |
Jianzhi’s Runway Show | RI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Batch |
passes | N/A |
passes | BOI 2022 | Batch |
christmasfeast | N/A |
Christmas Feast | Educational Round 2 (errorgorn) | Batch |
employee | N/A |
employee | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
shoes | N/A |
Arranging Shoes | IOI 2019 (Day 1) | Interactive |
niangao | N/A |
Nian Gao | 2020 CNY (errorgorn) | Batch |
helloworld | N/A |
Hello World | Classic problem | Batch |
infiniteseq | N/A |
infiniteseq | AtCoder Regular Contest 071 | Batch |
levenshtein | N/A |
levenshtein | Classic problem | Batch |
pandaski | N/A |
pandaski | NOI 2016 | Batch |
pandasoldiers | N/A |
Soldiers | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
guessproblem | N/A |
Guess Problem | peepeepoopoo (Potato3218, ryangohca) | Batch |
papplesort | N/A |
papplesort | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
boardvision | N/A |
Board Vision | RI Novcourse Final Contest 2023 (zixuan, nianhe) | Batch |
split | N/A |
Split the Attractions | IOI 2019 (Day 1) | Interactive |
dyingpolynomial | N/A |
Dying Polynomial | RI Nov Sel 2020 (JustAWallaby) | Batch |
coinbag | N/A |
coinbag | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
epicinteractive | N/A |
Epic Interactive | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (errorgorn, oolimry) | Interactive |
reflection | N/A |
reflection | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2020 (eutroph) | Batch |
lunchbox | N/A |
Lunch Box | NOI 2016 | Batch |
plantingpotatoes | N/A |
Planting Potatoes | ABC 300F | Batch |
snakecode | N/A |
snakecode | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
adjmatrix | N/A |
Adjacency Matrix | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
pressstart | N/A |
Press Start! | HCI-RI 2020 May Contest (bensonlzl) | Batch |
modsum | N/A |
modsum | NOI 2012 | Batch |
sniper | N/A |
sniper | ANDSS Coding Head Sel 2023 Duel (shoryu386) | Batch |
square_ioi | N/A |
square_ioi | IOI 2014 Practice | Interactive |
gravity | N/A |
gravity | USACO 2013 US Open, SIlver | Batch |
stamps | N/A |
stamps | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
multiplechoice | N/A |
multiplechoice | USACO 2022 Jan, Platinum | Batch |
pplow | N/A |
pplow | Classic Problem | Batch |
burger | N/A |
burger | Code Jam to I/O 2018 for Women | Batch |
ruler | N/A |
Ruler Of The Zoo | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (oolimry) | Batch |
fourbuckets | N/A |
Four Buckets | Educational Round 6 (oolimry) | Batch |
gathering | N/A |
gathering | USACO 2018 December Platinum | Batch |
matsuri | N/A |
matsuri | AOI 2023 Day 1 (shoryu386) | Batch |
padoru | N/A |
Hashire Sori Yo! | Dec Course 2020 BAPS (peaceknight05) | Batch |
trackingtraining | N/A |
Tracking Training | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
kanji | N/A |
kanji | Dunjudge Archive | Communication |
f7 | N/A |
F7 | COCI 2012/2013 | Batch |
hieroglyphs | N/A |
hieroglyphs | ACM/ICPC World Finals 2011 | Batch |
circuit | N/A |
Digital Circuit | IOI 2022 (Day 2) | Interactive |
wabbit | N/A |
wabbit | RI-HCI-NUSH NOI Selection Test 2021 (oolimry) | Batch |
sealevel | N/A |
sealevel | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
sequence | N/A |
sequence | AtCoder | Batch |
coke | N/A |
Coke | NUSH ISC 2020 (errorgorn) | Batch |
cakerun | N/A |
Bowen's Cake Run | December Course 2019 Advanced Final Contest (rs) | Batch |
catfight | N/A |
catfight | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
simpletask | N/A |
A Simple Task | Codeforces 558E | Batch |
midas | N/A |
Midas | POI 2017 Round 3 Day 1 Q1 | Batch |
shuttlerun | N/A |
shuttlerun | AGC 025C | Batch |
seabreakpath | N/A |
Seabreak Path | SGP Sparring 2021 (lovemathboy) | Batch |
lazycat | N/A |
lazycat | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
stringsofimpurity | N/A |
stringsofimpurity | AtCoder | Batch |
straight | N/A |
Pure Straight | ARC 126 | Batch |
mice | N/A |
mice | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
gohcart | N/A |
Goh Cart | Codeforces 1715E (f0restf1re) | Batch |
synchronization | N/A |
Synchronization | JOI Open Contest 2013 | Batch |
valley | N/A |
Alpine valley | BOI 2019 Day 1 | Batch |
dinowalk | N/A |
dinowalk | Classic Problem | Batch |
simurgh | N/A |
Simurgh | IOI 2017 | Interactive |
feelgood | N/A |
Feel Good | Luogu P2602 | Batch |
solonim | N/A |
Solo Nim | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
scanner | N/A |
scanner | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
lppfnlcst2 | N/A |
Lazy Propogation Persistant Fat Nodes Li Chao Segment Tree 2 | Classic Problem (errorgorn) | Batch |
numbergame | N/A |
numbergame | ANDSS Welcome 2023 (Day 2) (shoryu386) | Batch |
dominoes | N/A |
dominoes | Educational Round 9 (maomao90, zaneyu) | Batch |
bracketscore | N/A |
bracketscore | AGC48 | Batch |
abbb | N/A |
abbb | Codeforces Raif Round 1 (errorgorn) | Batch |
hungryrabbits3 | N/A |
Hungry Rabbits 3 | Dec Course 2022 BAPS (bensonlzl) | Batch |
letters | N/A |
letters | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
supertrees | N/A |
Connecting Supertrees | IOI 2020 | Interactive |
hoofpaperscissor | N/A |
Hoof, Paper, Scissors | USACO 2017 January Contest, Gold | Batch |
gentlepairs | N/A |
gentlepairs | ABC 187B | Batch |
lratio | N/A |
L + Ratio | Алгоритм 2022 | Batch |
basement | N/A |
Basement | Codeforces 1842C | Batch |
girlfriends | N/A |
girlfriends (EE) | CP Singles Day Contest 2020 (errorgorn) | Batch |
streetlamps | N/A |
Street Lamps | APIO 2019 | Batch |
globalwarming_ceoi | N/A |
Global warming | CEOI 2018 | Batch |
safety | N/A |
Safety | NOI 2018 | Batch |
ducktransport | N/A |
ducktransport | ANDSS Coding Head Sel 2023 Duel (bron, shoryu386) | Batch |
volcanic | N/A |
Volcanic Travel | ANDSS Welcome 2023 (Day 2) (shoryu386) | Batch |
redblacktree | N/A |
redblacktree | Codeforces 1156D | Batch |
timeexam | N/A |
What's the Time? | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2021 (ryangohca) | Batch |
simplebridges | N/A |
simplebridges | ANDSS February 2023 Contest (shoryu386) | Batch |
game | N/A |
Game | APIO 2022 | Interactive |
hole | N/A |
hole | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
graphcraft | N/A |
graphcraft | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
streets | N/A |
One-Way Streets | CEOI 2017 | Batch |
telephone | N/A |
Telephone Game | ANDSS Welcome 2023 (Day 1) (shoryu386) | Batch |
rainbow | N/A |
Land of the Rainbow Gold | APIO 2017 | Interactive |
binarycoins | N/A |
binarycoins | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
replacedigits | N/A |
Replace Digits | ACL Beginner Contest | Batch |
mrt | N/A |
MRT | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
typicalstairs | N/A |
Typical Stairs | ABC 129 | Batch |
maximum | N/A |
Maximum | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
inequality | N/A |
inequality | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2020 (0rang3) | Batch |
floors | N/A |
floors | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
swapsort | N/A |
Swap Sort | HCI December Course Selection 2021 (kai824, pavement) | Batch |
maximummonogonosity | N/A |
maximummonogonosity | Codeforces 1859E | Batch |
chocolate | N/A |
chocolate | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
boundlessboxes | N/A |
boundlessboxes | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
aliens | N/A |
aliens | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
network2 | N/A |
network | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
closing | N/A |
Closing Time | IOI 2023 (Day 1) | Interactive |
pandaeyes | N/A |
pandaeyes | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
divsum_dec18 | N/A |
Divsum | RI Deccourse 2018 Selection Test (eutroph) | Batch |
bridges_apio19 | N/A |
Bridges | APIO 2019 | Batch |
shorten | N/A |
shorten | AGC 001C | Batch |
alternating | N/A |
alternating | BOI 2018 | Batch |
minedges | N/A |
Minimizing Edges | USACO 2021 February Contest, Platinum | Batch |
rank | N/A |
rank | NOI 2008 | Batch |
roadtrip | N/A |
Road Trip | Classic Problem | Batch |
airplane | N/A |
Airplane | NOI 2023 Finals (bensonlzl, oolimry) | Batch |
battleship | N/A |
Battleship | HCI-NUSH NOI Selection 2022 (errorgorn) | Interactive |
moneychanger | N/A |
moneychanger | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
cactus | N/A |
cactus | LOJ #2250 | Batch |
rainingseason | N/A |
rainingseason | Codeforces 1019E | Batch |
summarising2020 | N/A |
Summarising 2020 | Hello 2021 (shenxy13) | Interactive |
alien9 | N/A |
alien9 | IMO Shortlist 1996 | Batch |
whatisthisactf | N/A |
What is this, a CTF? | April Fools 2023 (tux) | Interactive |
poi | N/A |
poi | IOI 2009 | Batch |
pascal | N/A |
pascal | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
partitiongame | N/A |
Partition Game | Codeforces 1527E | Batch |
radioactive | N/A |
radioactive | NOI 2015 | Batch |
horses | N/A |
horses | IOI 2015 | Interactive |
nis | N/A |
nis | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
atm | N/A |
The Great ATM Robbery | APIO 2009 | Batch |
triangles | N/A |
Counting Triangles | Classic Problem | Batch |
fractionalmultiset | N/A |
Fractional Multiset | ARC 107 | Batch |
ufo | N/A |
ufo | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
dna_ioi | N/A |
Mutating DNA | IOI 2021 | Interactive |
deda | N/A |
deda | COCI 2017/2018 | Batch |
smokeflower | N/A |
smokeflower | Classic Problem | Batch |
iqtest4 | N/A |
iqtest4 | Valentine's Day Contest 2023 (zixuan) | Batch |
secret_mco | N/A |
Secret | MCO 2015 | Batch |
openingshop | N/A |
Opening Shop | Dec Course 2021 BAPS (Halogen) | Batch |
guessqueue | N/A |
Guess the Queue | Kattis (modified) (ryangohca) | Batch |
commonsubstring | N/A |
commonsubstring | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
woodenraft | N/A |
woodenraft | Codeforces 1223G | Batch |
infinitezoo | N/A |
Zookeeper and The Infinite Zoo | Codeforces Global Round 13 (errorgorn) | Batch |
bananaland | N/A |
bananaland | NUSH ISC 2018 | Batch |
mushroomfarm | N/A |
Jianzhi’s Mushroom Farm | RI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Batch |
vainish | N/A |
Vanish | 2015-2016 NOI Training Diagnostic Test | Batch |
kmxorm | N/A |
kmxorm | ASEAN Sparring 2022 (zscoder) | Batch |
shuffling | N/A |
Shuffling | ARC 065D | Batch |
bunnyscore | N/A |
bunnyscore | RI-HCI-NUSH NOI Selection Test 2021 (errorgorn) | Interactive |
rabbitroad | N/A |
RabbitRoad | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2019 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
laughter | N/A |
laughter | Educational Codeforces Round 27 | Batch |
hld | N/A |
hld | LOJ P139 | Batch |
sort | N/A |
sort | Classic Problem? | Batch |
usefft1 | N/A |
Use FFT 1 | Classic Problem | Batch |
walk | N/A |
Sky Walking | IOI 2019 | Interactive |
swap | N/A |
Swapping Cities | APIO 2020 | Interactive |
ferries | N/A |
ferries | NOI 2013 | Batch |
nprime | N/A |
Prime | NOI 2008 | Batch |
cakeatstake | N/A |
Cake at Stake | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
robots | N/A |
robots | IOI 2013 | Interactive |
alphabrackets | N/A |
alphabrackets | Dec Course Final Contest 2017 | Batch |
planning | N/A |
Company Planning | TOKI Open 2014 | Batch |
shikandgame | N/A |
shikandgame | AGC 007 | Batch |
grassplant | N/A |
Grass Planting | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
power | N/A |
power | JOI | Batch |
appletree | N/A |
appletree | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
drones | N/A |
Drones | HCI December Course Selection 2021 (cstuart) | Batch |
shortcut | N/A |
Shortcut | IOI 2016 | Interactive |
card | N/A |
Card | NOI 2010 | Batch |
1402_2 | N/A |
1402_2 | April Fools 2023 (blackscreen1) | Batch |
pillars | N/A |
Pillars | RI December Course Selection Test 2021 (rs) | Batch |
phonenumbers | N/A |
phonenumbers | USACO 2022 Feb, Platinum | Batch |
mate | N/A |
mate | RSA Fun Contest (errorgorn) | Batch |
badknapsack | N/A |
badknapsack | Educational Round 3 (errorgorn) | Batch |
inequality2 | N/A |
inequality2 | Dec Course 2021 BAPS (zaneyu) | Batch |
ohbabyntriples | N/A |
Oh Baby, n Triples! | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
trivialmaths2 | N/A |
trivialmaths2 (EE) | Educational Round 7 (errorgorn) | Batch |
train | N/A |
train | Dunjudge archive | Batch |
reading | N/A |
Reading Cat | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2022 (wangy412) | Batch |
triumvirate | N/A |
Triumvirate | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
trespasser | N/A |
ADVANCED Trespasser | 2019 IOI Problem Setter Contest (bensonlzl) | Interactive |
bracketsyndrome | N/A |
Bracket Syndrome | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2019 | Batch |
paintrectangles | N/A |
paintrectangles | Codeforces 983D | Batch |
sumzero | N/A |
sumzero | RMI 2020 | Batch |
buffet | N/A |
buffet | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
kthsubstring | N/A |
kthsubstring | ARC 097 | Batch |
chessislands | N/A |
chessislands | NOI 2010 Selection Test | Batch |
earthwormlines | N/A |
earthwormlines | LOJ #2303 | Batch |
removeelements | N/A |
removeelements | Codeforces Round #668 | Batch |
stations | N/A |
Stations | IOI 2020 (Day 2) | Communication |
optimalsubseq | N/A |
optimalsubseq | Codeforces 1227D2 | Batch |
gotoschool_ex | N/A |
gotoschool_ex | RI November Course 2023 Diagnostic Test (NeeNawAmbulance, nianhe) | Batch |
exponentiate | N/A |
Exponentiate | Classic Problem | Batch |
manhattancompass | N/A |
manhattancompass | AtCoder | Batch |
binomial | N/A |
binomial | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
collaboration | N/A |
Collaboration | December Course 2019 Advanced Final Contest (0rang3) | Interactive |
parallelogramfest | N/A |
parallelogramfest | HCI EC³ Beginner Contest (Tyx2019) | Batch |
prefixgcd | N/A |
prefixgcd | Dec Course 2021 BAPS (jiahng) | Batch |
orangeroad | N/A |
orangeroad | Educational Round 9 (jamessng, jamielim) | Batch |
bookshelf | N/A |
bookshelf | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
collectmushrooms2 | N/A |
collectmushrooms2 | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
ispit | N/A |
ispit | COCI 2018/2019 | Batch |
celldivision | N/A |
celldivision | Random Idea (shoryu386) | Batch |
badpotato | N/A |
badpotato | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
rabbiteatrabbit | N/A |
rabbiteatrabbit | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) (jamielim) | Batch |
merchant | N/A |
Travelling Merchant | APIO 2017 | Batch |
4sum | N/A |
4sum | NOI 2008 | Batch |
countinghaybales | N/A |
countinghaybales | USACO 2022 Jan, Platinum | Batch |
cake | N/A |
cake | CEOI 2014 | Batch |
bracketcoloring | N/A |
bracketcoloring | Codeforces 149D | Batch |
kthpar | N/A |
JiaHng couldn’t solve this lol | folklore (errorgorn) | Batch |
datacenters | N/A |
Data Centers | EGOI 2022 Day 2 | Batch |
roots | N/A |
roots | Codeforces 695E | Batch |
hipercijevi | N/A |
hipercijevi | COCI 2012/2013 | Batch |
choochoo | N/A |
Choo Choo | RI-HCI Final Contest 2022 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
ragingthunder | N/A |
Raging Thunder | Codeforces | Batch |
devil | N/A |
The Devil's Algorithm | Hello 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
closedpath | N/A |
closedpath | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
destroy | N/A |
Destroy | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2019 | Batch |
letterstamper | N/A |
Letter Stamper | Google Code Jam 2010 (modified) | Batch |
fruits_noi | N/A |
Fruits | NOI 2022 Finals (bensonlzl) | Batch |
goodmorning | N/A |
Good Morning | ISC 2020 practice (errorgorn) | Batch |
island | N/A |
Island | NOI 2018 Prelims | Batch |
latex | N/A |
latex | RI Deccourse 2018 Selection Test | Batch |
subknapsack | N/A |
Knapsack for All Subsets | Atcoder Beginner Contest 169 | Batch |
doubleflip | N/A |
Double Flip | TROC 24 (errorgorn) | Batch |
cousin | N/A |
cousin | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
knapsack | N/A |
Knapsack | NOI 2018 Prelims | Batch |
weddingcity | N/A |
weddingcity | IOI Sparring 2018 SGP | Batch |
adjacentswaps | N/A |
Adjacent Swaps | Dunjudge Archive (shenxy13) | Batch |
gcd | N/A |
Greatest Common Divisor | Classic Problem | Batch |
cipele | N/A |
cipele | COCI 2018/2019 | Batch |
fiboregisters | N/A |
IOI Registers: but epic | TROC 24 (errorgorn) | Batch |
stories | N/A |
Stories Cat | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2022 (AJR) | Batch |
goodprogrammer | N/A |
Be a Good Programmer | April Fools 2023 (shoryu386) | Batch |
conlang | N/A |
conlang | HCI EC³ Beginner Contest (geometric) | Batch |
wakeup | N/A |
Wake Up | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
boarding | N/A |
boarding | NUSH ISC 2018 | Batch |
flights | N/A |
flights | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
taxcollection | N/A |
taxcollection | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2020 (JustAWallaby) | Batch |
stoningame | N/A |
stoningame | Valentine's Day Contest 2022 (maomao90) | Batch |
pigeonnests | N/A |
pigeonnests | RSA Fun Contest (shenxy13) | Batch |
redblue | N/A |
redblue | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
kusac | N/A |
kusac | COCI 2013/2014 | Batch |
notimetodry | N/A |
No Time to Dry | USACO 2021 February Contest, Platinum | Batch |
archaeologist | N/A |
archaeologist | NOI 2021 Finals | Interactive |
inspections | N/A |
Inspections | NOI 2023 Finals (bensonlzl) | Batch |
productcounting | N/A |
Product Counting | Educational Round 5 (errorgorn) | Batch |
packingducks | N/A |
packingducks | Classic Problem | Batch |
longesttrip | N/A |
Longest Trip | IOI 2023 (Day 1) | Interactive |
eating | N/A |
Eating Cat | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2022 (wangy412) | Batch |
repairs | N/A |
repairs | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
flyingsquirrel | N/A |
Flying Squirrel | Korean IOI Selection Day 1 | Batch |
judgequeue | N/A |
judgequeue | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
kfc | N/A |
kfc | ANDSS Contest 1 (Syntax) (haydendoo) | Batch |
bananasmoothie | N/A |
Banana Smoothie | Dunjudge Archive (shenxy13) | Batch |
dice | N/A |
Dice | Dec Course 2021 BAPS (origami100, dillion) | Batch |
progressionspells | N/A |
Progression Spells | Codeforces 1661D | Batch |
colouring | N/A |
colouring | AGC 012B | Batch |
boxispull | N/A |
Box is Pull | Codeforces Raif Round 1 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
colorgraph | N/A |
colorgraph | uwu (errorgorn) | Batch |
fireworks | N/A |
Fireworks | APIO 2016 | Batch |
dynamicdiameter2 | N/A |
Dynamic Diameter 2 | RMI 2020 | Batch |
switches2 | N/A |
switches2 | Educational Round 7 (errorgorn) | Batch |
fun | N/A |
Fun Tour | APIO 2020 | Interactive |
haiku | N/A |
Iroha and Haiku | AtCoder | Batch |
abc_apio23 | N/A |
Alice, Bob and Circuit | APIO 2023 | Batch |
coingame | N/A |
coingame | NTST 2015 | Batch |
inversions | N/A |
inversions | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
hld2 | N/A |
hld2 | LOJ P3532 | Batch |
kamion | N/A |
kamion | COCI 2010/2011 | Batch |
palindromicfever | N/A |
Palindromic Fever | ANDSS Welcome 2023 (Day 2) (shoryu386) | Batch |
foolpruf | N/A |
Foolprüf Security | NERC 2019 | Batch |
frisbee | N/A |
Frisbee Training | 2019 IOI Problem Setter Contest (0rang3) | Batch |
judgeantibreaker | N/A |
judgeantibreaker | Educational Round 6 (oolimry) | Batch |
snail | N/A |
Snail | NOI 2018 Prelims | Batch |
unitedcows | N/A |
United Cows | USACO 2021 Open, Gold | Batch |
lfs | N/A |
Longest Factor Subsequence | Educational Round 5 (errorgorn) | Batch |
ninjaseasy | N/A |
Ninjas (Easy) | TROC 24 (oolimry) | Batch |
naturalpark | N/A |
naturalpark | JOISC 2017 | Interactive |
transform | N/A |
transform | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
indivisibility | N/A |
indivisibility | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
copyandpaste | N/A |
Copy And Paste | Codeforces 1688F | Batch |
timeleap | N/A |
timeleap | JOI | Batch |
pokeadd | N/A |
pokeadd | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
nemo | N/A |
nemo | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
rabbitmilk | N/A |
rabbitmilk | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
coolinteractive | N/A |
Cool Interactive | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (errorgorn) | Interactive |
ponteng | N/A |
Ponteng | 2019 IOI Problem Setter Contest | Batch |
game_ioi13 | N/A |
game | IOI 2013 | Interactive |
perfectprimes | N/A |
perfectprimes | Anderson Fluff Contest (Josh28, shoryu386) | Batch |
trivialexam_ex_ex | N/A |
trivialexam_ex_ex | April Fools 2023 (oolimry, elainagrey, Xiaoyang) | Batch |
peddler | N/A |
Peddler | ABC 188 | Batch |
joker | N/A |
joker | BOI 2020 | Batch |
marathon | N/A |
marathon | RI Problem Setter Contest 2019 (Ziwyy) | Batch |
obstacles | N/A |
obstacles | Codeforces 360B | Batch |
mamamintaplusa | N/A |
mama MINta PLUSa | Educational Round 8 (Goodbye oolimry) (errorgorn) | Batch |
jedan | N/A |
jedan | COCI 2012/2013 | Batch |
cp2booksales | N/A |
cp2booksales | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
hop | N/A |
hop | COCI 2020/2021 Contest #4 Problem 3 | Batch |
usefft3 | N/A |
Use FFT 3 | Valentine's Day Contest 2022 (errorgorn) | Batch |
ljubomora | N/A |
ljubomora | COCI 2012/2013 | Batch |
orchard2 | N/A |
orchard2 | RI NOI Selection Test 2015 | Batch |
election | N/A |
election | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
toll | N/A |
toll | BOI 2017 | Batch |
evolution | N/A |
Evolution | Korean IOI Selection Day 1 | Batch |
snack | N/A |
snack | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
pokenumbers | N/A |
pokenumbers | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
arrangement | N/A |
arrangement | LOJ #3327 | Batch |
idigit | N/A |
I Dig It! | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
molecules | N/A |
Detecting Molecules | IOI 2016 | Interactive |
clocktower | N/A |
Clock Tower | RI December Course Selection Test 2021 (Deadeye) | Batch |
robotcontest | N/A |
Robot Contest | IOI 2023 (Day 2) | Interactive |
eatcake | N/A |
Eating Cake | Educational Codeforces Round 94 | Batch |
wandering | N/A |
wandering | AGC 029 | Batch |
mountain | N/A |
Mountain | IOI 2005 | Batch |
personalspace | N/A |
personalspace | December Course 2018 Elementary Final Contest | Batch |
guards_ex | N/A |
Guards (Extreme) | Zane (zaneyu, ryangohca) | Batch |
rainbowroad | N/A |
Rainbow Road | HCI-RI 2020 May Contest (bensonlzl) | Batch |
race | N/A |
Race | IOI 2011 | Interactive |
binaryseq | N/A |
BinarySeq | Dunjudge Archive (bensonlzl) | Batch |
badtree | N/A |
badtree | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2019 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
fibotree | N/A |
fibotree | Bubble Cup 14 (modified) | Batch |
forensic | N/A |
forensic | NOI 2012 | Batch |
efficientdelivery | N/A |
efficientdelivery | UWCOI 2021 | Batch |
eevacuation | N/A |
Elementary Evacuation | Dec Course 2021 Elementary Final Contest (shenxy13) | Batch |
trivialexam | N/A |
小菜一碟 | April Fools 2023 (Xiaoyang) | Batch |
centroid | N/A |
Centroid | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
eescapism | N/A |
Elementary Escapism | Dec Course 2021 Elementary Final Contest (shenxy13) | Batch |
Unbalanced | N/A |
unbalanced | ABC 043D | Batch |
restaurant | N/A |
restaurant | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
robobear | N/A |
The Maze of RoboBear | Tuymaada 2021 | Batch |
paint_coi | N/A |
paint_coi | COI 2020 | Batch |
yabbitmeetup | N/A |
yabbitmeetup | HCI NOI Selection Retest 2020 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
GSS | N/A |
GSS | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
pipes | N/A |
Pipes | CEOI 2015 | Batch |
invasion | N/A |
invasion | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
numericalstrings | N/A |
numericalstrings | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2019 | Batch |
buygifts | N/A |
buygifts | Codeforces 1619D | Batch |
gift | N/A |
gift | NOI 2007 | Batch |
fractions | N/A |
fractions | Classic Problem (YeoBL20) | Batch |
gizmoguy | N/A |
Gizmo Guy | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
interestring | N/A |
interestring | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2020 (cstuart) | Batch |
cyberland_apio23 | N/A |
Cyberland | APIO 2023 | Interactive |
conversations | N/A |
Zookeeper's Conversations | Singapore Zoo (shenxy13) | Batch |
typo | N/A |
Typo | ABC221 | Batch |
cny | N/A |
cny | ANDSS Contest 2 (Greedy and Bruteforce) (LCJLY) | Batch |
cloudcomputing | N/A |
Cloud computing | CEOI 2018 | Batch |
bucketstacking | N/A |
Bucket Stacking | RI-HCI-NUSH NOI Selection Test 2021 (oolimry) | Batch |
perishableroads | N/A |
perishableroads | Codeforces 773D | Batch |
bracketflip | N/A |
bracketflip | Dec Course 2020 BAPS (pavement) | Batch |
plagia | N/A |
plagia | December Course 2018 Advanced Final Contest | Batch |
corporate | N/A |
Corporate | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
sandcity | N/A |
sandcity | Random Idea (shoryu386, Reverberate) | Batch |
1402 | N/A |
1402 | April Fools' 2021 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
hunter | N/A |
Hunter | Dunjudge Archive (bensonlzl) | Interactive |
candycrush | N/A |
Candy Crush | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
cardtrick | N/A |
Card Trick | Classic Problem (oolimry) | Batch |
closedrooms | N/A |
closedrooms | AtCoder Grand Contest 014 | Batch |
prison | N/A |
Prisoner Challenge | IOI 2022 (Day 1) | Interactive |
spotlights | N/A |
Estelle’s Concert Spotlights | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2018 | Batch |
perm | N/A |
Permutation | APIO 2022 | Interactive |
quality | N/A |
Quality of Living | IOI 2010 | Interactive |
sortedandsorted | N/A |
sortedandsorted | ARC 097 | Batch |
trekking | N/A |
Jungle Trekking | HCI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Batch |
wearenumberone | N/A |
We Are Number One | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
fractional_knapsack | N/A |
fractional_knapsack | Classic Problem | Batch |
love | N/A |
What is love? | Luogu P8280 | Batch |
uniquepath | N/A |
uniquepath | AGC38D | Batch |
goombatower | N/A |
Goomba Tower | Timus 1439 | Batch |
penguinfood | N/A |
penguinfood | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
squidgame | N/A |
Squid Game 2: Hot Chocolate | Valentine's Day Contest 2023 (Wenkai, beepbeepsheep) | Batch |
unluckyfloors | N/A |
unluckyfloors | NOI 2016 | Batch |
train_ex | N/A |
train_ex | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
escapesadland | N/A |
Escape Sadland | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
meetings | N/A |
Meetings | IOI 2018 | Interactive |
stagegames_part2 | N/A |
Estelle’s Stage Games (Subtasks 6 - 10) | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2018 | Interactive |
expressways | N/A |
expressways | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
cantor | N/A |
cantor | TROC 24 (errorgorn) | Interactive |
weddingcoins | N/A |
weddingcoins | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
garden_ioi08 | N/A |
Linear Garden | IOI 2008 | Batch |
zhylanio | N/A |
zhylanio | IZHO 2022 | Batch |
wabot2 | N/A |
wabot2 | ASEAN Sparring 2022 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
pigeons | N/A |
pigeons | Classic Problem | Batch |
jumpontree | N/A |
jumpontree | yosupo's judge | Batch |
infiniteloop | N/A |
Infinite Looping Sequence | 2017 RI Dec Course Sel (pwypeanut) | Batch |
workload | N/A |
December Training Workload | Classic Problem | Batch |
graphoverflow | N/A |
graphoverflow | RI Deccourse 2018 Selection Test (jerryhanjt) | Batch |
nicenumber | N/A |
nicenumber | Anderson Fluff Contest (haydendoo) | Batch |
clipboard | N/A |
Jianzhi’s Clipboard Sorting | RI NOI Selection Test 2017 | Batch |
woodcutter | N/A |
Woodcutter | Codeforces 527C (modified) | Interactive |
votingcities | N/A |
Voting Cities | NOI 2022 Finals | Batch |
garden_ioi05 | N/A |
Garden | IOI 2005 | Batch |
foreveralone | N/A |
foreveralone | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
minimum | N/A |
minimum | Classic Problem | Interactive |
wormholes | N/A |
wormholes | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
polyomino | N/A |
polyomino | ABC 322D | Batch |
entropy | N/A |
entropy | RI-HCI December Course Selection 2020 (0rang3) | Batch |
assembly | N/A |
assembly | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
catleap | N/A |
catleap | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
inequality3 | N/A |
Social Inequality | TOKI Open 2014 | Batch |
cuberoot | N/A |
cuberoot | Classic Problem | Batch |
gap | N/A |
Gap | APIO 2016 | Interactive |
penguingathering | N/A |
penguingathering | ABC 156C | Batch |
lctocd | N/A |
LCT OCD | Atcoder Nikkei Finals 2019 | Batch |
crab | N/A |
Crab | NUSH NOI Selection Test 2018 | Batch |
equals | N/A |
equals | ARC 097 | Batch |
3nplus1II | N/A |
3nplus1II | Classic Problem | Batch |
graph | N/A |
graph | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
wavynumbers | N/A |
wavynumbers | Codeforces 273E | Batch |
magicboard | N/A |
magicboard | AOI 2023 Day 2 (shoryu386) | Batch |
towers_ioi | N/A |
Radio Towers | IOI 2022 (Day 1) | Interactive |
swimming | N/A |
Constructing a Swimming Pool | RI-HCI-NUSH NOI Selection Test 2021 (0rang3) | Batch |
singleflip | N/A |
Single Flip | TROC 24 (maomao90) | Batch |
beacon | N/A |
Beacon Towers | Grand Prix of Seoul | Batch |
beechtree | N/A |
Beech Tree | IOI 2023 (Day 2) | Interactive |
makemst | N/A |
makemst | Codeforces 1088F | Batch |
psle | N/A |
Old PSLE Grading System | Classic Problem | Batch |
routers | N/A |
routers | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
goodseq | N/A |
goodseq | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
tour | N/A |
tour | NOI 2011 | Batch |
workload2 | N/A |
Workload 2 | Dec Course 2021 Intermediate Contest 4 (Data Structures III) (errorgorn) | Batch |
addone | N/A |
Add One | Codeforces 1513C | Batch |
domine | N/A |
domine | COCI 2013/2014 | Batch |
minerals | N/A |
minerals | JOISC 2019 | Interactive |
legowall | N/A |
Lego Wall | EGOI 2022 Day 1 | Batch |
vision | N/A |
Vision Program | IOI 2019 | Interactive |
sandd | N/A |
sandd | Classic Problem | Interactive |
thief | N/A |
thief | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
dahliahostels | N/A |
dahliahostels | Valentines Contest 2021 (errorgorn) | Batch |
insects | N/A |
Rarest Insects | IOI 2022 (Day 2) | Interactive |
colourwalk | N/A |
Colour Walk | RI-HCI Final Contest 2022 | Batch |
levelingup | N/A |
Leveling Up | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2021 (ryangohca) | Batch |
skillmoves | N/A |
skillmoves | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2019 | Batch |
construction | N/A |
Construction of Highway | JOI 2017/2018 Spring Camp | Batch |
surnames | N/A |
Surnames | 2020 CNY (errorgorn) | Batch |
artswap | N/A |
artswap | HCI NOI Selection Retest 2020 (bensonlzl) | Interactive |
nou | N/A |
no "u" | December Course 2018 Elementary Final Contest (bensonlzl) | Batch |
addition2 | N/A |
Addition? | Hello 2022 (oolimry) | Batch |
gugdance | N/A |
gugdance | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
countingagain | N/A |
Counting Again | ARC 104D | Batch |
morefun | N/A |
Even more fun | CPSPC 2010 | Batch |
lampice | N/A |
lampice | COCI 2019/2020 | Batch |
semafor | N/A |
semafor | COI 2020 | Batch |
medianstring | N/A |
medianstring | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
lis | N/A |
Longest Increasing Subsequence | Classic problem | Batch |
luarulers | N/A |
Lua Rulers | Codeforces 1748C | Batch |
4russians | N/A |
4russians | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2020 (jamielim) | Batch |
semiconnected | N/A |
semiconnected | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
rbpoints | N/A |
rbpoints | ABC 091C | Batch |
mrbeancurd | N/A |
mrbeancurd | HCI Be A Problem Setter (BAPS) Contest 2017 (jzh, caffeine) | Batch |
wheelofmisfortune | N/A |
Wheel of Misfortune | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
subwaytrip | N/A |
subwaytrip | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
christmaswall | N/A |
Christmas Wall | Educational Round 2 (maomao90) | Batch |
removeedges | N/A |
removeedges | Atcoder | Batch |
coins | N/A |
Coins | IOI 2017 Practice | Communication |
supperbox | N/A |
Estelle’s Supper Box | RI-HCI NOI Selection Test 2018 | Batch |
roadsideadverts | N/A |
roadsideadverts | NOI 2017 | Batch |
twoavenues | N/A |
twoavenues | Codeforces 1648F | Batch |
visiting | N/A |
visiting | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
exoticplants | N/A |
Exotic Plants | Luogu P4568 [JLOI2011] | Batch |
selectingintervals | N/A |
selectingintervals | Codeforces 1055E | Batch |
picnic | N/A |
Picnic | Codeforces Global Round 17 | Batch |
nutritionist | N/A |
nutritionist | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
leftright | N/A |
Left and Right | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) (oolimry) | Batch |
feedthewallabies | N/A |
Feed the Wallabies | RI December Course Selection Test 2021 (syy) | Batch |
bracketcount | N/A |
bracketcount | Valentines Contest 2021 (errorgorn) | Batch |
goneviral | N/A |
Gone Viral | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
towerdefense | N/A |
towerdefense | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
flybot | N/A |
flybot | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
duels | N/A |
duels | Educational Round 9 (maomao90, jamessng) | Batch |
snakesnack2 | N/A |
snakesnack2 | RI-HCI-NUSH NOI Selection Test 2021 (errorgorn) | Batch |
nom | N/A |
nom | RMI 2021 | Batch |
rootedlca | N/A |
Rooted LCA | folklore (errorgorn) | Batch |
obelisk | N/A |
obelisk | NOI 2014 | Batch |
fireandbeary | N/A |
fireandbeary | Dunjudge Archive (jamielim) | Batch |
excombo | N/A |
EX Combo | RSA Fun Contest (oolimry) | Batch |
dreaming | N/A |
dreaming | IOI 2013 | Interactive |
adjlist | N/A |
Adjacency List | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
examinations | N/A |
examinations | JOI | Batch |
minimax | N/A |
minimax | Hello 2020 (errorgorn) | Batch |
colourblind | N/A |
colourblind | HCI NOI Selection Retest 2020 (bensonlzl) | Interactive |
alice | N/A |
Alice | IMO Shortlist 2019 | Interactive |
friend | N/A |
friend | IOI 2014 | Interactive |
blocks | N/A |
Blocks | UWCOI 2020 (socho, astoria, kimbj0709) | Interactive |
secret | N/A |
Secret | JOI Open 2014 | Interactive |
llis | N/A |
Longest LIS | NUSH NOI Selection Test 2018 | Batch |
republiccity | N/A |
Republic City | RI Nov Sel 2020 (JustAWallaby) | Batch |
area_noi | N/A |
area_noi | NOI 2023 Qualification Contest (yanhao) | Batch |
pizzeria | N/A |
Pizzeria Queries | CSES | Batch |
mergecards | N/A |
Merge Cards | Google Kick Start 2020 Round G | Batch |
cantor_ex | N/A |
cantor_ex | Valentine's Day Contest 2022 (errorgorn) | Interactive |
inversionsum | N/A |
inversionsum | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
threetowers | N/A |
threetowers | POI 2015 Round 2 Day 2 Q2 | Batch |
deque | N/A |
Deque | AtCoder Educational DP Contest | Batch |
experimentexplodeexpel | N/A |
Experiment. Explode. Expel. | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
highway | N/A |
Highway Tolls | IOI 2018 | Interactive |
relutree | N/A |
relutree | Classic Problem (errorgorn) | Batch |
seedflare | N/A |
Seed Flare | SGP Sparring 2021 (lovemathboy) | Interactive |
pushups | N/A |
pushups | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
postcard | N/A |
postcard | Codeforces 4D | Batch |
keys | N/A |
Keys | IOI 2021 | Interactive |
lppfnlcst | N/A |
Lazy Propagation Persistant Fat Nodes Li Chao Segment Tree | Educational Round 1 (errorgorn) | Batch |
globalwarming | N/A |
Global Warming | NOI 2013 | Batch |
inheritance | N/A |
inheritance | JOI 2014/2015 | Batch |
magicspell | N/A |
magicspell | AOI 2023 Day 2 (shoryu386) | Batch |
motest | N/A |
MOtest | Valentine's Day Contest 2023 (Tyx2019) | Batch |
selfpermutation | N/A |
selfpermutation | TOKI KSN Day 2 | Batch |
bananafarm | N/A |
bananafarm | NOI 2015 | Batch |
parks | N/A |
Fountain Parks | IOI 2021 | Interactive |
cats | N/A |
cats | NOI 2014 | Batch |
troubles | N/A |
troubles | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
treepruning2 | N/A |
Pruning Trees | Codeforces 1593E (modified) (ecxx) | Batch |
catalansum | N/A |
catalansum (EE) | Educational Round 3 (errorgorn, oolimry) | Batch |
passwords | N/A |
passwords | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
globalwarming_ex | N/A |
globalwarming_ex | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
potatoqueue | N/A |
potatoqueue | Dunjudge Archive | Interactive |
waterslide | N/A |
Water Slide | ROI 2022 | Batch |
malcolm | N/A |
malcolm | COCI 2012/2013 | Batch |
clockpalindrome | N/A |
clockpalindrome | December Course 2019 Advanced Final Contest | Batch |
camels | N/A |
Guessing Camels | NWERC 2015 | Batch |
naan | N/A |
naan | JOI 2018/2019 Spring Camp | Batch |
treepruning | N/A |
Tree Pruning | Codeforces 1593E | Batch |
construct | N/A |
Constructing Birthday Presents | RI-HCI-NUSH NOI Selection Test 2021 (0rang3) | Batch |
staircase | N/A |
Staircase | ABC 148D | Batch |
jams | N/A |
Jams | Algorithm Class Mini-Contest 8 | Batch |
gwynethandtree | N/A |
Gwyneth and Tree | Codeforces 342E | Batch |
helloworld2 | N/A |
Hello World? | Hello 2022 (jamessng) | Batch |
morepaths | N/A |
morepaths | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
candies2 | N/A |
candies2 | ARC 064A | Batch |
servers | N/A |
Inside information | BOI 2021 | Batch |
hashcollision | N/A |
Hash Collision | Hello 2021 (shenxy13) | Interactive |
ples | N/A |
ples | COCI 2011/2012 | Batch |
sailor | N/A |
sailor | CPSPC 2010 | Batch |
powerpoints | N/A |
Power Points | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
variety | N/A |
variety | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2019 | Batch |
rolling | N/A |
Rolling | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
holdinghands | N/A |
holdinghands | Dec Course 2020 BAPS (jiahng) | Batch |
streakmanipulation | N/A |
streakmanipulation | The 2nd Universal Cup. Stage 12: Hefei | Batch |
firing | N/A |
Firing | IOI 2020 Practice Session | Batch |
airline | N/A |
airline | JOISC 2018, Day 3 | Communication |
galaxycollapse | N/A |
galaxycollapse | AOI 2023 Day 2 (shoryu386) | Batch |
sonya | N/A |
Sonya and Problem Wihtout A Legend | Codeforces 713C | Batch |
bestplace | N/A |
bestplace | NOI 2017 | Batch |