maomao90's profile

Name Shi Wei
School NUS High School Of Math and Science
Role admin
Country Singapore
View Submissions
Solved Problems
3dhistogram 4russians 4sum addition2
adjlist adjmatrix aesthetic aircon
alice aliens_ioi ancestor animaleditor
ants arcade archaeologist arcwrecker2
area armpit arrangetoys arrayfind
arrayproblem artswap assignpaths badknapsack
badnim2 badnim3 ballgame bananafarm
bank baseplans_ex becomingred binarycoins
bobek bodyguard bottle boundedpermutation
boundlessboxes boxispull brackets bracketsuperseq
bucketstacking cactus cakerun canbashsavetheday
candies candies_ioi candymountain_ex car
catchingcheaters catfight cheaters cheerleaders
chessislands christmasturkeyfarm christmaswall clique
collaboration collectmushrooms colorgraph construct
conversations conversations_easy count1graphs count_1_graphs
countingagain countinghaybales deque dice
digitsum dijkstra dna dna_ioi
doll dominoes dotjoin dragonfly
duckduckgo ducknuggetconvention duckwalk duels
dynamicdag eatcake edgeremove eight
elca election entropy events
everyonewinstherace fenwicktree ferries fever
fibotree findinggrass fire firefighting
fireworks fish fizzbuzz flamethrower
flights flip floors fractionalmultiset
fraud frisbee frogs fruitsequences
funfair general globalwarming grapevine
growingtrees guessarray gymbadges harddisk
hedgehogcrimes_easy helloworld helloworld2 holeetree
hop hunterxhunter illuminate index
industriouslibrarian inequality inequality2 infiniteloop
inheritance invasion inversemax inversions
island_boi jumps kanji kickingshoes
lasers laughter lazycat lboard
learningtrack2 lfs lineup lis
ljubomora llis localexpress lppfnlcst
lppufdsrb lunchbox magicwand mamamintaplusa
manycolours maximummonogonosity medianontree merchant_o
mergers messenger midas milkweed
minerals modules monochromecat moosic
mountains mrt mrt2 multipaths
naptime neckties nemo newhome
nian nis nonboringsequences numbers
oenothera ohbabyntriples omnomnom omnomnom2
optimalsubseq optmilk oranges2 padoru
paint_apio pairs pandacity pandaeyes
partitiongame pascal passes password
pastiri payraise peddler pekora
penguinfood penguinislands permutationswap pigeonnests
pilot poklon power prefixgcd
prefixsums presents prison problematicjourney
purplecandy puttingstrings quillvsowl rabbitbridges
rabbitlineup railway rainingseason rank
rarkids rblock redistributinggifts removalcosts
removeedges removeelements replacedigits reverseandmin
riggedroads rmaxq roads roadsideadverts
robot roots rotarylock safety
sarenlist sealevel segmenttree segmenttree2
selectingintervals selfdefence selfpermutation semafor
servers shikandgame shoop sightseeing
sightseeing2 simp singlefile smallprimes
smallprimes_ex smokeflower smurfpaths snakenladder
sonya spaceinvaders speakers splithunny
staircase stamps stickytape stoningame
straight strangedevice strangedevice2 streakmanipulation
streetlamps strikes subgraphs subknapsack
sumzero supermarket surnames swap
swimming taxcollection threetowers tiles
tokitsukazeandexplosion toll tour towerdefense
towers towers_noi transform travel
treasures treecutting trivialmaths2 typicalstairs
universe unluckyfloors unmerge valves
vault village wabot wandering
watching waterbomb weddingcity weddingcoins
whiteboardgame wiring woodenraft workload
workload2 xorsplit xortree zhylanio