Solve the problem below for T test cases.
You have a chess board of dimension 1×M with positions numbered from 1 to M from left to right. You have N identical pawns, initially lined up from position 1 to N on the chess board. You can do any of the following operations as many number of times in any order:
Find the number of distinct configurations of pawns that you can end up with after doing the above operations modulo 998244353.
Two configurations are considered distinct if there is at least one position where one configuration has a pawn but not the other.
The first line contains the number of test cases is in the following format:
Then T test cases follow, each in the following format:
For each test case, output an integer representing the number of distinct configurations modulo 998244353.
4 6
69 420
By letting 1 denote pawns and 0 denote empty positions, the possible configurations for the first example are: