
Raining Season

By the year 3018, Summer Informatics School had greatly grown. Hotel «Berendeetronik» had been chosen as a location of the school. The camp consists of n houses with n1 pathways between them. It is possible to reach every house from each other using the pathways.

Everything was perfect until the rain started. The weather forecast promises that the rain will continue for m days. A special squad of teachers was able to measure that each pathway i, connecting houses ui and vi, could be passed in bi seconds before the rain. Unfortunately, the rain erodes the roads, so with every day the time to pass the road will increase by ai seconds. In other words, on the tth (from zero) day after the start of the rain, it will take ait+bi seconds to pass through this road.

Unfortunately, despite all the efforts of teachers, even in the year 3018 not all the students are in their houses by midnight. As by midnight all students have to go to bed, it is important to find the maximum travel time between all pairs of houses for each day, so every student knows the time when he has to run to his house.

Find the maximal travel times of the paths between any pair of houses after t=0,t=1,,t=m1 days.

Input format

In the first line you are given two integers n and m — the number of houses in the camp and the number of raining days (1n105;1m106).

In the next n1 lines you are given the integers ui, vi, ai, bi — description of pathways (1ui,vin;0ai105;0bi109). The ith pathway connects houses ui and vi, and in day t requires ait+bi seconds to pass through.

It is guaranteed that every two houses are connected by a sequence of pathways.

Output format

Print m integers — the lengths of the longest path in the camp t=0,t=1,,t=m1 days after the start of the rain.


Subtask # Score Constraints
1 11 n,m2000
2 12 n2000
3 14 All ai=1
4 31 n20000
5 32 No additional constraints


Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
5 10
1 2 0 100
1 3 0 100
1 4 10 80
1 5 20 0
200 200 200 210 220 230 260 290 320 350

In the first three days (0t2) the longest path is between 2nd and 3rd houses, and its length is equal to 100+100=200 seconds.

In the third day (t=2) the road between houses 1 and 4 has length 100 and keeps increasing. So, in days t=2,3,4,5 the longest path is between houses 4 and (1 or 2), and has length 180+10t. Notice, that in the day t=2 there are three pathways with length 100, so there are three maximal paths of equal length.

In the sixth day (t=5) pathway between first and fifth houses has length 100. So in every day with t=5 and further the longest path is between houses 4 and 5 and has length 80+30t.

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Time Limit: 3 Seconds
Memory Limit: 1024MB
Your best score: 0
Source: Codeforces 1019E

Subtask Score
1 11
2 12
3 14
4 31
5 32
6 0