
Wooden Raft

Suppose you are stuck on a desert island. The only way to save yourself is to craft a wooden raft and go to the sea. Fortunately, you have a hand-made saw and a forest nearby. Moreover, you've already cut several trees and prepared it to the point that now you have n logs and the ith log has length ai.

The wooden raft you'd like to build has the following structure: 2 logs of length x and x logs of length y. Such a raft would have an area equal to xy. Both x and y must be integers since it's the only way you can measure the lengths while being on a desert island. And both x and y must be at least 2 since a raft that is one log wide is unstable.

You can cut logs into pieces but you can't merge two logs into one. What is the maximum area of the raft you can craft?

Input format

The first line contains a single integer n (1n5105) — the number of logs you have.

The second line contains n integers a1,a2,,an (2ai5105) — the corresponding lengths of the logs.

It's guaranteed that you can always craft at least a 2×2 raft.

Output format

Print a single integer — the maximum area of the raft you can craft.


Subtask # Score Constraints
1 12 n10
2 12 n100
3 12 All ai3000
4 64 No additional constraints


Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1

In the first example, you can cut the log of length 9 into 5 parts: 2+2+2+2+1. Now you can build 2×2 raft using 2 logs of length x=2 and x=2 logs of length y=2.

Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
9 10 9 18 9 9 9 28 9

In the second example, you can cut a4=18 into two pieces 9+9 and a8=28 in three pieces 10+9+9. Now you can make 10×9 raft using 2 logs of length 10 and 10 logs of length 9.

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Source: Codeforces 1223G

Subtask Score
1 12
2 12
3 12
4 64
5 0