The difference between Ninjas (easy) and Ninjas (hard) are the constraints of P. In this version, all Pj=1
As we all know, Mr. Lim is a ninja. Due to the powers of shadow clone jutsu, he also happens to have N−1 shadow ninjas that follow him around and mimic his actions. Mr. Lim is the ninja 0 and the other ninjas are numbered from 1 to N−1. All the ninjas are on an infinitely sized grid, where ninja i initially stands at coordinates (i,0).
Mr. Lim will move a total of Q times. His moves are described by the string M.
Suppose that before the j-th move, Mr. Lim is currently at cell (x,y). If Mj is equal to:
After Mr. Lim has moved, ninja i (1≤i≤N−1) will move to occupy the space originally occupied by ninja (i−1). It is guaranteed that no two ninjas will be in the same position after everyone has moved.
The ninjas will perform high-fives based on a binary string P of length Q. If Pj=1, all ninjas (including Mr. Lim) will perform a high-five after the j-th move. All ninjas will high-five every ninja who is close to him. Two ninjas on (xa,ya) and position (xb,yb) respectively are close if |xa−xb|+|ya−yb|=1.
After all Q moves, you want to know for each ninja, how many times has he high-fived in total?
Output N lines, where the i-th line is the number of high-fives by the i-th ninja.
4 4
3 1
In the first sample, the number of high-fives by each ninja after each move is given by the following table.
Move 1 | Move 2 | Move 3 | Move 4 | |
Ninja 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Ninja 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Ninja 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Ninja 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Subtask | Score |
1 | 100 |