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Single Flip


Given two permutations A and B of length N. You have to select an index x (1xN) and swap the values of Ax and Bx. Count the number of indices x that allows A and B to remain as permutations after swapping the index.

Note: A permutation of length N is a sequence of N integers from 1 to N such that each element appears exactly once in the sequence.


  • 1N100
  • 1AiN
  • 1BiN
  • A and B are permutations.


A1 A2 … AN
B1 B2 … BN


A single integer representing the number of indices such that A and B remain as permutations after swapping.

Sample Input

1 2 3 4 5
5 2 3 1 4

Sample Output



We can select indices 2 or 3, and both A and B will remain as permutations after swapping.

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