Fenixion's profile

Name Tan Rongyi
School NUS High School of Math and Science
Role member
Country Singapore
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Solved Problems
01knapsack 1609 1821 3nplus1
3nplus1II 4sum GSS abbb
addition addition2 adjlist adjmatrix
ancestor area arrayfind assembly
bananafarm beareatrabbit becomingred bestplace
binarycoins bobek boundlessboxes boxispull
bracketex brick buffet candies
candymountain_ex car card cardtrick
carpark carrots catfight catlunch
ccs choochoo clocktower coinbag
coke collectmushrooms collectmushrooms6 competition
contestcalc conversations_easy cuberoot cups
deque descsort diamond dijkstra
discharging eeducation eelimination eescapism
evenorodd exam exponentiate exponentiate_ex
fenwicktree fibo firelord fizzbuzz
flamethrower floors flybot foreveralone
fraud frogs fuel gcd
gecko general generosity globalwarming
goodprogrammer gotoschool greeting guanine
hacking harddisk helloworld helloworld2
illuminate installingapps inversions ippt
labels lcs lengthsort lightningrod
lineup lis lis_easy ljubomora
lualectures luarulers lunchbox lvm
management maximum medianheap medianstring
milkweed minimum minstack moneychanger
monsters mrt nihonese nprime
omnomnom omnomnom2 orchard oridance
paint pairsums palindromicfizzbuzz pandaeyes
pigeons poi potatosalad potatotree
prefixsums prime psle razlika
rightangtri rmaxq rotarylock samelength
sealevel segmenttree segmenttree2 sightseeing
simp smurf snack snapknack
speakers splithunny squidzofrenzic staircase
stamps stepgame stickytape subgraphs
subtaskstitching sumint summarising2023 summit
swapsort telepathy timeexam towerdefense
trains typo uniquenumbers wabot
walking weddingcoins workload xmas