ScoreboardProblem ID | Your Score | Title | Source | Problem Type |
helloworld | N/A |
Hello World | Classic problem | Batch |
shamelessad | N/A |
Shameless Advertisement | Shor's SG Collection Original (0 Star) (shoryu386) | Batch |
addition | N/A |
Addition of 2 numbers | Classic problem | Batch |
evenorodd | N/A |
evenorodd | Classic Problem | Batch |
exam | N/A |
Exam | RI Nov Sel 2020 (syy) | Batch |
psle | N/A |
Old PSLE Grading System | Classic Problem | Batch |
foodchain | N/A |
Food Chain | Dec Trg 2019 (Elementary) | Batch |
sumint | N/A |
Sum of Integers | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
rightangtri | N/A |
rightangtri | Classic Problem | Batch |
swayingflowers | N/A |
swayingflowers | ANDSS Welcome 2023 (Day 1) (shoryu386) | Batch |
ihate1111 | N/A |
I Hate 1111 | Codeforces Round 723 (errorgorn) | Batch |
waterbottles | N/A |
waterbottles | HCI EC³ Beginner Contest (AlphanumericUsername) | Batch |
modulochain | N/A |
modulochain | Anderson Trg (shoryu386) | Batch |
flamethrower | N/A |
Flame Thrower | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |
ultimateifelse | N/A |
Ultimate ifelse | ANDSS Contest 1 (Syntax) (LCJLY) | Batch |
conlang | N/A |
conlang | HCI EC³ Beginner Contest (geometric) | Batch |
timeexam | N/A |
What's the Time? | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2021 (ryangohca) | Batch |
greeting | N/A |
CNY Greetings | 2020 CNY (errorgorn) | Batch |
simp | N/A |
Simp | Codeforces 1033A | Batch |
boxispull | N/A |
Box is Pull | Codeforces Raif Round 1 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
simplebridges | N/A |
simplebridges | ANDSS February 2023 Contest (shoryu386) | Batch |
gotoschool | N/A |
Go To School | ABC142 | Batch |
typo | N/A |
Typo | ABC221 | Batch |
reciprocals | N/A |
Reciprocals | HCI December Course Selection 2021 (huangqr, pavement) | Batch |
solonim | N/A |
Solo Nim | Dunjudge Archive | Batch |