Problem 1503
User dieunq1309
Submission Time 2023-07-22 00:37:19
Score 0
Max Time N/A
Max Memory N/A

Compile Error

1503.cpp:1:6: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token
1 | print("Calling occupants of interplanetary craft! Calling occupants of interplanetary craft that have been observing our planet EARTH. We of IFSB wish to make contact with you. We are your friends, and would like you to make an appearance here on EARTH. Your presence before us will be welcomed with the utmost friendship. We will do all in our power to promote mutual understanding between your people and the people of EARTH. Please come in peace and help us in our EARTHLY problems. Give us some sign that you have received our message. Be responsible for creating a miracle here on our planet to wake up the ignorant ones to reality. Let us hear from you. We are your friends.")
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