ScoreboardProblem ID | Your Score | Title | Source | Problem Type |
attention | N/A |
Attention | Codeforces Beta Round 11D | Batch |
hurt | N/A |
Hurt | LOJ 3864 | Batch |
hypeboy | N/A |
Hype Boy | LOJ 3215 | Batch |
cookie | N/A |
Cookie | Educational Codeforces Round 59 | Batch |
eta | N/A |
eta | ABC 202E | Batch |
identifyinggirlfriends | N/A |
Identifying Girl Friends | Classic Problem (ryangohca, siewjh) | Batch |
gfriendmania | N/A |
The 200000 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love Zane | CSES | Batch |
mulgogi | N/A |
Mulgogi | Codeforces 817F | Batch |
ippt | N/A |
IPPT | Dec Course 2023 Selection Test (errorgorn) | Batch |
newjeans | N/A |
Bob's New Jeans | Codeforces 868F | Batch |
letterstamper | N/A |
Letter Stamper | Google Code Jam 2010 (modified) | Batch |
letterstamper_ex | N/A |
Letter Stamper (Extreme) | Google Code Jam 2010 (modified) (errorgorn, ryangohca) | Batch |
love | N/A |
What is love? | Luogu P8280 | Batch |
feelgood | N/A |
Feel Good | Luogu P2602 | Batch |
flipthat | N/A |
Flip That | Codeforces 1630D | Batch |
hungryrabbits2 | N/A |
Hungry Rabbits 2 | RI-HCI Final Contest 2022 (bensonlzl) | Batch |
levelingup | N/A |
Leveling Up | RI November Course Stage 2 Selection Test 2021 (ryangohca) | Batch |
strikes | N/A |
Hit you with that dudududududu | POI 2017 | Batch |
miracleflover | N/A |
Miracle Flover | Hello 2024 (ryangohca, ecxx, leyi) | Interactive |
shamelessad4 | N/A |
shamelessad4 | Classic Problem (shoryu386, ryangohca) | Batch |
fakeidol | N/A |
Fake Idol | Olimpiada Informatyczna | Batch |
addictiontoworry | N/A |
T.B.H (Addiction to Worry) | ABC 070 D | Batch |
nomorebp | N/A |
nomorebp | CF Round 681 E | Batch |
giselle | N/A |
giselle | Codeforces 600E | Batch |
winter | N/A |
winter | Codeforces 609E | Batch |
ningning | N/A |
ningning | Codeforces 1882D | Batch |
karina | N/A |
karina | JOI Final Contest 2022/2023 P4 | Batch |
malguem | N/A |
My Name is Malguem (Sunny) | Codeforces 1930H | Interactive |