Problem pigeons
User penguin1234
Submission Time 2024-07-15 09:27:59
Score 0
Max Time N/A
Max Memory N/A

Compile Error

pigeons.cpp:3:251: error: missing terminating ' character
3 | In a desolate forest at the edge of Potatoland, there is a fence seperating Potatolands from the outside world. All day long, many pigeons will visit the fence and sit there for a long period of time, up to days or even weeks. However, good times don't last, and all of a sudden, a hurricane has come and hit Potatoland!
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
pigeons.cpp:9:161: error: missing terminating ' character
9 | Given a set of M events, help the pigeons decide if the plan is alright by checking if at any point in time, the number of pigeons on the fence exceed the fence's maximum capacity. If so, output "PLAN REJEC