rgcoders's profile

Name Got your plushie/figurine/mascot with you? Grab it. Don't? Find a picture, think of something imaginary you can talk to, or just use yourself as your mascot. Now, you are going to have an imaginary conversation with them.For this example, we will talk to our (not really) imaginary duck named yuanyuan. Try the following but replace him with your companion of choice.We explain the algorithm we wish to implement to yuanyuan, as clearly as possible. Make sure he understands how and why it works.We go through the code line by line, and explain what it's doing and why it's doing that. Again, make sure that this is clear enough for yuanyuan to understand.We reach a point while explaining where we actually realise where the mistake is, even before yuanyuan understands anything about what you just said
School Raffles Girls' School (Secondary)
Role admin
Country Singapore
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