Addition 3


Duck is dying in math. He would like add 2 numbers. Please help him!

Input Format

Input consists of 2 integers, a and b

Output Format

Output 1 integer, the sum of a and b.


  • If your code contains any semicolon, you will be given 0
  • If your code is 8 or fewer characters long, you will get full points
  • Else, your score is max(10, 100 - (length - 8))

Sample testcases

Input 1:
4 5
Output 1:

Submitting .cpp to 'Addition 3'

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Time Limit: 1 Seconds
Memory Limit: 1024MB
Your best score: 0
Source: April Fools 2024 (oolimry)

Subtask Score
1 100